Bottom leaves yellowing


Well-Known Member
So ive recently come up with some problems while growing. My bottom set of leaves on a lot of my plants are yellowing pretty badly at a fast rate. They recently come out of over watering about a week ago and they were nearly bone dry until today where I fed them with a 350ppm feed to the 4 bigger plants and 200 to the smaller ones (advanced nutrients and started at diff times). They were only drooping over in the photos today as they had 11 hours of dark due to guests unfortunately but a day ago they were looking great besides the bottom leaves. The lights out also caused the room to drop to 65F when the lights off only usually goes to 73f (20/4) cycle. Lights on temps goes to 82-83. Is this a bad nitrogen deficiency and possibly over feed on others?



Well-Known Member
Don't overthink everything. Basically look good. Trim damaged leaves. Don't overwater. Best to go light on nutrients anytime rather than trying to repair damages
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