Branches aren't snapping but smoke is good?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, have the last 2 of my ladies drying. Been hung up for around 10 days after a wet trim.

Branches are close to snapping and the bud burns well when rolled.

Safe to say I can jar it?


Well-Known Member
if the air/weather is wet where you are i found branches stay soft .. but as soon as the weather will become dry be careful because it can go dry very fast .. i would wait a bit cant hurt


Well-Known Member
I would typically remove the buds from the stem at this point and put them all in a paper bag for another few/several day. That lets the moisture left inside balance out nicely. Stir them around once a day and smoke a nug to see how it is. When they seem totally stable and an even moisture level then jar them up for storage.
I would typically remove the buds from the stem at this point and put them all in a paper bag for another few/several day. That lets the moisture left inside balance out nicely. Stir them around once a day and smoke a nug to see how it is. When they seem totally stable and an even moisture level then jar them up for storage.
Same, but for the first 2 days, I swap bags so the other one has a chance to kinda dry off. After that they just get moved around daily like you said.


Well-Known Member
Me i would leave it a few more days, no rush to jar.

Once jarred check in 24 and 48 hours that its stayed dry and no more moisture has been released or they need more time hanging.

You got this and i rep+++ you for understanding how to hang dry - enjoy that bud you earnt it :-)

Hi all, have the last 2 of my ladies drying. Been hung up for around 10 days after a wet trim.

Branches are close to snapping and the bud burns well when rolled.

Safe to say I can jar it?


Well-Known Member
As long as it doesn't have that fluffy wet stringy cedar bark texture when busted up. If you grind it up and it seems like the calyx magically turned into leave, or you weigh out a gram and it vanishes quicker than a gram should, it's too wet.