Stand back Whitewater, move over Watergate, look out J. Edgar Hover... Here comes Bonnie Dumanis with a federal corruption scandal that has earned the name, "Marijuanagate".
On December 22, 2009 news of the alleged federal marijuana scandal was released by the press and involves such high-profile names President Barrack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, San Diego County Sheriff William D. Gore and appears to originate with San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.
The allegations stem from the 09/09/09 raids on 14 medical marijuana safe access storefronts by the San Diego Regional Narcotics Task Force in a dubious sting operation commonly referred to as Operation Green Rx.
The corruption story surfaced in an article posted on the San Diego CityBeat website and was reported by Dave Maass, investigative reporter with CityBeat.
With the County DA's 2010 reelection campaign on the horizon, the last thing Bonnie Dumanis needs is another major blemish to deal with, not to mention the diversion from the national health care agenda push for President Obama.
Both Dumanis and Obama have declined to comment about the allegations. Well, Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year to them both anyway...
The investigation continues....
Dear Santa, from Bonnie Dumanis
CANDIDATE WANTED: District Attorney for the County of San Diego
Pledge Your Support: Replace the San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis
On December 22, 2009 news of the alleged federal marijuana scandal was released by the press and involves such high-profile names President Barrack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, San Diego County Sheriff William D. Gore and appears to originate with San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.
The allegations stem from the 09/09/09 raids on 14 medical marijuana safe access storefronts by the San Diego Regional Narcotics Task Force in a dubious sting operation commonly referred to as Operation Green Rx.

The corruption story surfaced in an article posted on the San Diego CityBeat website and was reported by Dave Maass, investigative reporter with CityBeat.
With the County DA's 2010 reelection campaign on the horizon, the last thing Bonnie Dumanis needs is another major blemish to deal with, not to mention the diversion from the national health care agenda push for President Obama.
Both Dumanis and Obama have declined to comment about the allegations. Well, Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year to them both anyway...
The investigation continues....
Dear Santa, from Bonnie Dumanis
CANDIDATE WANTED: District Attorney for the County of San Diego
Pledge Your Support: Replace the San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis