#BreakingNewsMars Hydro Smart Grow System debuts now!!


Well-Known Member
Mars Hydro Smart Grow System debuts now!
Control your lighting with Mars Hydro Smart APP!
To be expected…

#marshydro #marshydrosmartgrowsystem #smartledgrowlight #marshydroapp
Great will it be for all models ? Do we need to purchase an extra device for each light ?

This is great news.

Are there any plans to have a Mars Hydro master control for: fans, lights, humidifier, etc. like other brands for example AC infinity or VivoSun.
Seems like an interesting product .

I see from the site this is just for the fc and fce models.

And that each light in a daisy chain would need one also for them to function together.

Great idea to keep it separate and it’s very reasonably priced.

Is there work on such an item for the ts series in the future also?

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The debut of Mars Hydro Smart Grow System! Download the "Mars Hydro" application from your APP store, available both on Apple and Android systems.
Mars Hydro Smart Grow System | APP User Guide

-Smart and remote APP Control via your mobile phone. WIFI and Bluetooth are available.
-Precise Settings Of Light Intensity And Duration. Mimic of sunrise & sunset available.
-Wireless Control Of Multiple Lights. Independent room management is available.
-More functions to be discovered.

Buy a smart Mars Hydro LED here:

Few inventories, if you wanna try, be quick!

Coupon code AVAILABLE on all direct sites: :leaf:Rollitup:leaf:
Click & SHOP Mars Hydro Directly WORLDWIDE:
United States (Global Shipment) - https://www.mars-hydro.com
United Kingdom - https://marshydroled.co.uk
Europe - https://marshydro.eu
Australia - https://marshydroau.com
Canada - https://marshydroled.ca
Japan - https://marshydrojp.com
Thailand - https://marshydroth.com


I'm confuse notes says:

Note: The new Bluetooth dimmer can only be used for FC and FCE led grow lights.
Other Mars lights cannot use the new Bluetooth dimmer box for the time being

So I can convert the SP3000 models to smart lights ? but just the Bluetooth dimmer feature is not available for this model ?
At present, SP 3000 cannot support Bluetooth dimming boxes. Our current batch of Bluetooth dimming boxes only supports FC and FC-E products. Subsequent version updates will support all Mars products
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