

Well-Known Member
Hey dudes, does anybody know how long the Breedbay site is supposed to be down? I've been getting software installation page for quite some time.
It seems like i follow the people who bailout for some reason or something happens... Overgrow....HG420....Now breedbay be a bit iffy. I saw on another site....granted it was a newbie and the only posts he made were about the topic.....That when they were installing new software the whole server all their domains down....I really have no clue....Hopefully they atleast honor the orders people sent in already. edit...appears im a newbie here...though i joined in 2009 haha.
The Breedbay staff is a solid set and I'm sure it's just them being delayed due to something not right yet or them going above and beyond or something ( say a redesign or something). This morning for a small time I saw the page design change, same message, but in a way up graded in it's look, later it's back to the same as the last few days, so something's up. I have tons of seed with them and they are stand up folks who would have said something I'd think to me if they were on the outs. They didn't other than the upgrades so I think it's just a delay.
I'd hate to have to start over, I hope I'm right.:)
The Breedbay staff is a solid set and I'm sure it's just them being delayed due to something not right yet or them going above and beyond or something ( say a redesign or something). This morning for a small time I saw the page design change, same message, but in a way up graded in it's look, later it's back to the same as the last few days, so something's up. I have tons of seed with them and they are stand up folks who would have said something I'd think to me if they were on the outs. They didn't other than the upgrades so I think it's just a delay.
I'd hate to have to start over, I hope I'm right.:)
Idk if you're right, but you sure gave me hope at least. There's some profound growers on that site.
doc bob is full of shit
if the server had crashed then the default forum page would not be showing there would be a database error warning instead!
the cannasuer shop and bidzbay are both offline too both are unconnected to the forum so sumthing fishy going on
if everything was cool then why cant doc or pistils post a message on the default page explaining to members and customers whats going down
my guess is because they can't
If one looks closely, one can see the page is posted via yahoo, since their sever is down. The auction site and the shop site were hosted on that same server too, hence why they are down. I'd give em some more time before starting the goofy thinking.
I have more to loose than any of you and I'm only slightly stressed, :)
If one looks closely, one can see the page is posted via yahoo, since their sever is down. The auction site and the shop site were hosted on that same server too, hence why they are down. I'd give em some more time before starting the goofy thinking.
I have more to loose than any of you and I'm only slightly stressed, :)

Sorry bro but you are incorrect
If you look closely breedbay server is up and working fine

If it had crashed then all that would be unavailable and its not even a database crash either because you would see a mysql error page instead of the default forum page!
in fact the tag cloud at the bottom is being fed by the database, as is the lame message

"oops..Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment while we install software... Thank you for your understanding..... We will be back as soon as we can...."

look even more closely and you'll see that is completely offline as is
which begs the question, why would they turn off the forum to members and vistors and completely close both retail outfits ?
yes its been down for far too long to be a glitch in software.
i thought that pistils may of had the "why am i running this forum syndrome" and shut the whole thing down.

its only a small forum and seedbank aimed at a specific grower base which possibly doesn't cover the bills for the upkeep of the internet sites.
i have seen a decline in quality growers on the site over the last year or so and have to wonder why.

perhaps goeybreeder could look for an alternative seed venue as a backup incase breedbay go down for good.
this long downtime does not bode well for seed breeders wanting to sell their stock and it puts a question mark against breedbays consistency and future.

i like to hit the forums on breedbay but there has been a drop in the quality of members answers to questions due to their being more newbies than veterans hitting the boards this last year but at least you do get some response on there as opposed to other forums.

we will all watch in hope that breedbay will be back and i hope they will come back with a new look of light and dark green for the front page of the forum like the older days.

i hope pistils and doc have not been raided and had their sites suspended and put under surveillance or anything dark like that.
Ah good to see Gooey posting, I am a lost Breedbay member that has found some free time due to that site being down. I currently have zinndica going from gooey at the moment and can't post to my journal.
I check daily for the hope of it being back up. I have just been looking for any news on the matter and found this thread. Any bit of news from doc or Pistils would be welcome but I guess tell then we just wait and see.
I guess I am wrong about the hosting, I was fooled by the way I was linking to it.
I just don't understand this. I guess all the stock they had of mine, and money and my grow info is all gone now.
It was nice while it lasted, guess they couldn't hang in there.
If this is the way it is then I wish they could have just been nice enough to give us all a heads up. I would have understood.
Im still hopeful, just a bummer to think all the bad things that might be.
They're back online now, at least the forums are. They can no longer take US funds they say due to always increasing fees on exchanging currency. PM Doc Bob if you've got questions about sent payments.
this is the reason Breedbay was down with a lame message about broken servers, and why they closed their seed shop and auction down
