**BREEDERS BOUTIQUE -F.U.B.A.R.- 1000 Watt Soil GROW** Let the good times roll.


Active Member
Hello RIU!!!

I was lucky enough to come across a new strain from Breeders Boutique called FUBAR(fucked up beyond all recognition) It is a cross of Sensi Star and Vortex and from what i hear its quite something. I also have 2 Black SS seeds that i popped for funsies along for the ride. The seeds are currently in cups of Light warrior seed soil.

I will be growing under a Hortilux 1000w HPS for flower and a 400w Hortilux for veg. They will be living in Roots organic soil for veg, and Im not sure if i will be using Super Soil or just Botanicare Pure Blend Pro organic nutes when the time comes. I was even considering mixing the super soil and the roots 75%/25% and seeing how that works out. I have my science department working on it now.

My Science department hard at work:

Now for the show!!!!

I am VERY excited to be trying this strain out, and hope to make the very best of it.

Here are some pics:

Soil and nutes fresh from the hydro store:

They where started on July 14th:

16 where started, one day in a glass of water, then into the soil. Its the first time i have used this method and i dont like it, ill be going back to paper towels from now on. I feel i could have had a MUCH better germ rate if i had used a method i was more familiar with. All but one seed popped a tail, but the died in the cups:( User error.

July 20th: 3-4 have made it above ground so far...playing the waiting game.

Later that night i moved them under 400w MH.

July 26th: Showing some nice growth already:)


27th of July we have pics from the afternoon and at after a watering. They are feisty little buggers and are now taking off very nicely:

IMAG1751.jpgIMAG1750.jpgIMAG1749.jpg AFTERNOON

IMAG1769.jpgIMAG1768.jpgIMAG1765.jpg NIGHTTIME

I will be updating frequently as I now have help with picture taking and posting from Lady Hydra. Please feel free to comment, and share!!!!!

Thanks for watching!!!!!



Active Member
Here is some of my past buds. Im not the best yet and have had some SUPER dud grows, but Ill never show those pics lol.


as i said not the best but i try!!!!

thanks for watching


Active Member

8/1/2013 Day 19 Veg

They have had their first dose of Pro bloom grow at VERY low amount. They look great and a few of them are absolute monsters!!!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
wow, now this is EXCITING!
so Hempsters you made this new bb strain that sounds out of this world hard core ,! and my buddy Hydra is growing it.?small world...and very very . cool. good luck Hydra!


Active Member


I have a bit of yellow in the largest one, so ill give her some more nutes next feeding. They have also got a foliar of Vitamino and GH Growth enhancer. Hemlock is she a healthy eater? or do i need to be delicate???
They will be going into pots quickly, so full feeding are coming soon for them.

Here are some pics of my currently flowering girls, they are a bit yellow since i used less Super soil than normal due to burning the last run:( Guess i went to far the other way.


White fire and Pre 98 bubba . Im not the best, but im learning haha.


Active Member
haha, im so fuckin stoned right now...lol.. vapin on lemon skunk. coming down from a major Starbucks buzz with it.lol Im spraying my drawing with fixative , finally fishied it!
View attachment 2763101

WOW thats amazing! AMAZING symmetry.... why do i like symmetry so much??? Never knew that about mysef lolz.

DO you have a deviant art account or more art you can post yo??? I LOOOOOOOOOOVEart