Bright yellow spots on baby plants. What to do?


Active Member
Just recently transplanted 4 babies into 5 gal pots. Not soon after I noticed some yellow spots forming. I grow outside using my own soil i've composted and mixed with some perlite. My 4th year doing this and it's the first time I've ran into any kind of issue. Does it look like nute deficiency or maybe a fungus? I doubt it's the former since I've administered the same amount of nute solution as I have in the past. Any recommendations on how to fix it? Should I maybe clip the infected parts off on such a young plant?

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Well-Known Member
Do you always transplant this early? i dont even transplant my seedlings until the rootball is formed. and then i don't even put it in something that big maybe a small 1/4 gal cup then let it sit and chilll under the light for a while. i dont transplant ever until the rootball is big enough to pull the hole plant out without losing everything. that just looks like a PH issue.


Active Member
Do you always transplant this early? i dont even transplant my seedlings until the rootball is formed. and then i don't even put it in something that big maybe a small 1/4 gal cup then let it sit and chilll under the light for a while. i dont transplant ever until the rootball is big enough to pull the hole plant out without losing everything. that just looks like a PH issue.
Yeah, I start em out in small little pots and about 2 weeks after they emerge I transplant into their final home. Haven't had any issues with it in the past.

Would you say it looks too acidic or too basic? And any recommendations on what to use to balance the ph?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Looks on the basic side. i use advanced nutrients PH up i dont recommend advanced nutrient ferts and nutes but the ph up is good and their root shooters. its a concentrated ph up so only a few drops can change 5 gallons of water pretty fast so careful with the use and dont get it on your hands. only it could have been heat stress or a water burn like a drop of water was on the leaf and the light burnt that spot. its just one of those experiment and see what happens. plants are resilient id start with PH and make sure it stays around 6.2-6.5