Bringing down humidity??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm nearing the end of my first indoor crop and I'm experiencing high humidity. Was sitting on around 50/55% but the past few days it's getting up to 60%. I know it should be say around 40/50 in flowering any other ways of bringing it down other than putting a dehumidifier in, I put another big fan at the bottom of the tent but not sure if that will do anything really. I do have a dehumidifier but its too big for my tent and the plants at the moment, only plus side is the front plant my lemon haze is down in the next 2/3 weeks so the other 2 will have the tent to them self then.


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Fans only spread it around. Air flow is good though. But doesn't do a thing towards solving the problem. When it comes to humidity bud rot and PM become issues. Not good and anything other than a DH is a waste of time.
Fans only spread it around. Air flow is good though. But doesn't do a thing towards solving the problem. When it comes to humidity bud rot and PM become issues. Not good and anything other than a DH is a waste of time.
thanks man so far theres no signs of bud rot, white powdery mildew or any of that. i just want to be prepared and prevent it if it was too high.
get s smaller dehumidifier. The zon has them for $30, small ones. I might get another because this one works, but not as good as i need it too. Find a way to suspend it midway up the tent. chunk of Styrofoam duct taped to the corner posts works pretty good. getting 2, you can put one opposite of eachother. definitely something u need to control tho.
your tent uses the air in the room the tent sits in. you exhaust and intake from that same room. consider operating your dehuey in that room not the tent
50 to 55% is what I run my own plants at. Never drops below 45. On watering days it'll climb to 60%.

Raising the temperature (77-80°f) will drop it a bit but the plants will dry the pots quicker. Lowering the temps will raise it. 60-72°f and it'll hang higher. Average of 65%.

I have 4 fans in a 2'x4' tent with an 8" blower. Higher humidity isn't that big of deal. Sometimes it can't be helped. Especially after watering. Lots of water evaporates out the pots. Air circulation is the key. If there's any stale air spots. That's when issues pop up.
or that method, lol.. I draw filtered air from outside, due to basement grow, in a tent. Dont want basement smell.
Currently. Mine measure 71°f/ 55% at the top of the plants. 70°f/ 57% middle. 67° /63% at the pot. They were watered about 30 mins ago.

At the end of the day they'll have an average of around 55%. Tomorrow will be 53%. Then they'll need water again.
If you're close to harvest and can't run a dehumidifier, you could remove the bigger fan leaf's. This would be a last resort though to prevent mold and mildew but it will drop the humidity levels. That being said, you will have to remove quite a few of them to make a difference.