Bringing outdoor plant indoors to flower


Well-Known Member
i have one plant indoors vegging right now and one plant outdoors vegging. is it a bad idea to bring the outdoor plant inside? i understand there will be hitchhikers, there seems to be no signs of spider mites. if i treat the plant for a week with a mild soap/alcohol/water solution. do you think this will be ok?
Are your outdoor plants potted? Also, try a little soap and Neem Oil for the Spider Mite treatment. I've had to use it a couple of times myself and it has worked really well. Maybe it's fine, but I haven't heard of using alcohol for pests.
Are your outdoor plants potted? Also, try a little soap and Neem Oil for the Spider Mite treatment. I've had to use it a couple of times myself and it has worked really well. Maybe it's fine, but I haven't heard of using alcohol for pests.

Yes my outdoor plants are potted. I heard neem oil is good for protecting the plant and slowing the spider mites down. i just got rid of spider mites using the alcohol/soap/water solution. my indoor plant was infected i used the solution twice a day and it didnt seem to stress out the plant at all. i look at the spider mites with a 10x magnifier. they are dead. Any suggestions with what can go wrong with doing this?
Yes my outdoor plants are potted. I heard neem oil is good for protecting the plant and slowing the spider mites down. i just got rid of spider mites using the alcohol/soap/water solution. my indoor plant was infected i used the solution twice a day and it didnt seem to stress out the plant at all. i look at the spider mites with a 10x magnifier. they are dead. Any suggestions with what can go wrong with doing this?
Yeah, inconsistency with light cycle, are you going to be there every day on give or take on the hour they need to be dark? Remember, you'll be doing this at least 8weeks maybe 12. Not sure its worth it, I'd wait till fall to harvest when nature says its time, not that much further away.
It is much better to flower you plants outdoors, the yield will be much better. But if you gotta bring them indoors you gotta do what you gotta do. If you are tryin to flower early just cover the plants in the evening with a plastic bag or black cloth to induce a night photoperiod earlier and make the day and night each twelve hours.
....I 'd just say that I think you were lucky to have gotten rid of the mites the way you did. Personally, I would never bring an outdoor plant inside while I had a grow going on......just not worth it. I brought the borg into my grow from outside a few years back and--------just not worth it to me....
303 - i dont quiet understand your post. i am wanting to bring the plant that is currently outdoors indoors, for it to stay indoors. as far as being consistent with the light, i use a timer.

dublin420 - the only reason i want to do this is because i am getting paranoid of having a plant outdoors. i am using lst to keep it growing horizontally which i think hides the plant better. i dont mind waiting for it to flower. do you have any good ways to hide plants outdoors??

growinman - there were only 10 - 20 adult mites, they were laying eggs tho. the solution works real well, i am not sure if it kills the eggs or not, i am checking everyday to see any new signs of mites. nothing yet. did you treat the plant before bringing it in?
growinman - there were only 10 - 20 adult mites, they were laying eggs tho. the solution works real well, i am not sure if it kills the eggs or not, i am checking everyday to see any new signs of mites. nothing yet. did you treat the plant before bringing it in?

.....yeah, I 'thought so.' I neemed it good a few nights in a row too..... It's a long story that I 've posted around here before somewhere. But to keep it real short: I had probably only let a few eggs get by me and I ended up fighting the bastards for a whole year before I gave up and nuked them. They made a major come back a number of times and they were stronger and stronger with each generation. Night after night I 'd drag them all out of their room(probably had about 50) and hose them down with whatever new remedy I had read about. I believe I tried them all(there is something new that wasn't around-Azatrol?), everything you could buy or mix up..... "Dont Bug Me" is a joke (and I LOVE Fox Farms), as is Rosenthauls, the pco bombs, mists, sprays......

Yeah, they got out of control on me at first is probably a big part of the reason I couldn't get rid of them. I even had a 'tent' going on on one of the colas.......and they just gross me out so much---I tossed so much bud and just didn't want to touch it.....

You'll probably be fine---I just had BAD experience wit dat. Make sure to wipe each only have to miss one egg. Oh, and most stuff they sell doesn't get the eggs, even though a couple claim to. Your supposed to wait and redo what ever your doing after like two days and then again a few days later, in case an egg made it by and hatched.

AVID and Floramite, on the other hand, totally fuk up their reproductive abilities. You still see mites doing their thing a few days after you dose them. But that's it: that's all they live-a few days.

But if your not into chems, as with me, these two things are something you really dont want to use or be around----there are several people in CA(as elsewhere, I am sure) that have serious disabilities due to overexposure of AVID and like. The big grow ops that run multiple houses, etc., just come in there and hose it all down with this shit, even just as precaution! Then you got the poor ladies(or whoever) trimming this shit somewhere else with so much exposure it's unreal---hense the nervous system damage, etc.........
Or so I have been told.
I just know I dont ever want them again, not even one! BUT, there is a pretty safe way to use AVID/floramite. IMO, only on freshly rooted cuttings/clones. If anyone cares to hear it just ask. I am totally hijacking this thread as it is, lol:hump:....... Shit, this was the short version......but you guys got me going on mites, haha!

But wait a said only 10 or 20 adult mites...? Do you have any idea how many mites ONE egg can become in say 20 days?? You dont even want to know how many eggs one adult lays----and I dont remember but it's rediculously mass 100's.

DE is good for prevention of most all crawlers.......just use the food grade stuff and sprinkle all around. I put it all over the floor and you'd be surprized at how many critters it gets.....and it will get any mites that cross over/on it, ants, spiders, etc.... When I was growing in soil I mixed it right in the soil and on top of it.

Another mite fact?? Mites can hibernate for over a year. I am not sure if that's the eggs or adults, but whichever.......

SHIT!! Now I am itching:cuss:

Okay, I 'll go away!!
You guys have a great weekend----gman
.....yeah, I

DE is good for prevention of most all crawlers.......just use the food grade stuff and sprinkle all around. I put it all over the floor and you'd be surprized at how many critters it gets.....and it will get any mites that cross over/on it, ants, spiders, etc.... When I was growing in soil I mixed it right in the soil and on top of it.

Another mite fact?? Mites can hibernate for over a year. I am not sure if that's the eggs or adults, but whichever.......

Well I only spotted 5 - 10 actual mites but to say it safely 20 or so. I am aware of how many eggs they lay, temperature and humidity play a big role in that. What is DE? where can i get it? About mites hibernating...i heard its the females she will tuck away in a corner somewhere and come out when she wants. I dont think i am going to bring the outdoor plant in. I should would like to know some clever ways people protect themselves.
DE(Diatomatious Earth), or fossilized shell flower. It's like millions of shards of glass to any crawlers, cuts them up and they dry up right there. It has many uses, from worming your dog to getting parasites out of your own system.....
And, for us anyway, it's only an 'extra' doesn't stop them from moving around on your plant but on the soil, floor, whetever. In theory it should work 'on' the plant to but I never had any luck getting it to stick(maybe with neem?). It's just 'good' organic sh*t. I use it now in my chicken pens(they get the red mites) and in my veggy gardens. I am by no means "green" when it comes to this stuff either(chemicals,etc) and the 'greeners' love it when they learn about it......

Oh, it's cheap. You can get a lifetime sack worth for $10-$12 at your local feed store, or:
and you still dont want to breath mass of this stuff. It is a silica. It'll let you know when you've had enough--nose bleed. <---I was trying to 'gas' a room wit it, lol.

Yeah, it's the adult females that hibernate. They dont necessarily need a male to reproduce. That's why I keep the DE all over--in case one wakes up somewhere..........shit, night-mares.....haha.

Something else is to never go right into your indoor grow from the bush....mites are known to travel on pets too......I am just

Good Luck, Have Fun!!
I will be sure to pick some up this weekend, it seems like a great extra precaution. Not only for the grow room but for the backyard and the rest of the house as well. If i induce flowering with the outdoor plant using the blanket or bag, do i have to do that all the way up to harvest? Or will it continue to bud once it has started? I think some will go hermi and others wont correct?
I will be sure to pick some up this weekend, it seems like a great extra precaution. Not only for the grow room but for the backyard and the rest of the house as well. If i induce flowering with the outdoor plant using the blanket or bag, do i have to do that all the way up to harvest? Or will it continue to bud once it has started? I think some will go hermi and others wont correct?
You gotta continue the flowering light schedule till they finish. Keep us posted.
I put a black trash can over my outdoors plant for about a month and I don't put it over it anymore and its doing fine a little slow flowering but it was a bag seed from some mexi so I can't complain check out my profile I got a post on there outdoor first grow its called