British Citizen sentenced to death in UAE for selling $410 (262GBP) worth of cannabis


Well-Known Member
You can get life in jail in the UAE for just having THC in your blood or hair. Definately one of those fucked up countries I never wanna visit. Fuck Dubai, pussy ass Vegas wannabe.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Meta - these places spend so much on trying to attract Western tourists yet they have no clue how Westerners like to holiday - U can't drink outside of your hotel, there's no drugs, u can't swear, u can't shout or sing in public & u can't even kiss a girl in public. (plus if your girlfriend is unlucky enough to get raped by a local, she'll go to prison for being promiscious) - WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE WANT TO GO ON HOLIDAY THERE?!?!


I actually lived in Dubai for 7 years before moving back to Colorado this year. Yes, weed laws are strict but this man will not get sentenced to death. I have known people who have been busted for weed and hash... they all got some time (different for eac) and than deportation. I love the place it is fun but the risk factor just sucks donkey dick! I smoked all 7 years i was there and never had a problem. Hell I had a couple run in with cops with weed involved, they do turn a blind eye!

RedWhite@ Thats not true about not being able to drink outside hotels, you just cant drink openly in public, you can sing in public..... you can kiss a girl no one gives a shit, you can swear all you want. Arabs have some of the worst mouths. Pretty much everything you stated is false! If you don't believe me i have pictures of the partying in Dubai..... its great!

There are a lot of false rumors about Dubai, that being said it does have its problems :)