Brits with their booze :)

That and 8 dollars will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks..... since 80% of everything Canada trades is with the U.S...... oh hell, have another round and forget all about it. :lol: out. :blsmoke:
Hahah right? I need it for my my arthritis doc (coughs for no reason)... :lol: .... .... ...out. :blsmoke:
Is that guy British? I won't watch anything British...... They have a habit of always showing their wankers on film. ??? What's wid dat?? One minute they are in a dress, the next its full frontal willy time. :mrgreen: .... .... out. :blsmoke:
My ancestors were British and there has to be something in the genes. Sometimes you just got to whip it out---its useful for starting conversations and ending them :)
:lol: I can't argue with that, but give me wide berth :lol: A few years ago my wife and I really stater to travel around Europe.... I guess it was then we naturally got interested more in foreign films. We had to laugh because by the sixth or seventh Brit film .. a pattern "emerged" :lol: .... ... out. :blsmoke:
I don't think the Brits are any worse then us Americans when it comes to our love affair with booze. We are every bit the drunken rabble rousers that the Brits are. Soccer isn't as big here in the US.... but there have been plenty of drunken out of control crowds after NFL and NBA finals.

I'm not knocking alcohol as I love an ice cold beer on a hot day or a few cocktails on the weekend, but I've noticed the older I get, the less I drink. Hangovers get harder to handle with age
This is before the damn game---they are relatively sober---what will those people be like drunk?
