Brittle yellow bottom leaves with brown spots, help please


Well-Known Member
Hey so here's my NYCD. I was just wondering if somebody could tell me what's wrong please.

Her (feminized) leaves began to get crumply and yellow with brown spots. I wasn't able to get nutes in time (for what I assumed was nute deficiency) but finally got them yesterday and fed her 1/4 what the instructions said.

I think she's about 4-5 weeks old now.

Even after the feeding nothing seemed to change. I also topped her a few days ago, probably a bad idea, but my growspace only gives about 4 feet max for growth..


Jolly G' the Giant

Active Member
are you checking your ph regularly? The leaves that are damaged will not always repair themselves. You should be looking at the new growth for changes. Plant looks ok, I think it will recover


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks

I just realized the bottom leaves are sort of mushy again, not cracking like they were before feeding/watering. The leaf that I did accidentaly crack with my fingers when touching it healed up nicely. I guess it was an underfeeding/underwatering problem. I think I went an extra week without watering by accident. Totally lost track of schedule.

Anyways thanks again!