This is my broad mite problems and solutions. Looking for other peoples experience and solutions. First off these things are the biggest pain to get rid of. You are most likely going to have to learn how to garden with these. In this post i will post pics of my infected plants along with my future plans to prevent this horrible CCTD (clone collective transmitted disease). Obviously not all cases are from clones but many are. The first step in prevention GROW FROM SEED. I encourage all new growers like myself to grow from seed and then take your own clones. AVOID all clone delivery services. Clone queen is garbage. 8 clones all had bugs and broad mites. They do have a way to resolve this but this takes time plus if you cant get me good clones in the first place i dont want them at all. Use as many preventive measures as possible. As i am a newbie i learned the hard way but always budget about 100-200 on some natural miticide pesticide and insectides for prevention. In worst cases use forbid 4f but this does not always work. I use azamax as a base then rotate about 10 other organic miticide pesticide and inectides to prevent any bugs. My first grow was going great. I had some great jedi kush and larry ogs. I had gotten them at the clinic and ocpc. Plants looked great all through veg until i introduced two new clones. They were purple elephant clones from ocpc. Stupid newb me didnt realize how come bugs are in the growing spectrum of weed. Sadly enough these had broad mites but i did not know. About a week later all my plants looked like shit. Got some forbid and it wiped them out. Harvest was good super pleased with forbid. But tht STUFF IS NASTY avoid at all costs unless its an emergency. Seocond crop is some clones from clone queen. Complete garbage couldnt get rid of the broads no matter what i did. Threw them away and started over. Caliornia clone collective delivered my next batch. I inspected and yes broad mites! got a nice deal on them. Dunked them in forbid and put in my clone dome for a week. Inroduce them to my tent and add 10000 predatory mites. All was looking good up until week 3...broadmites are back. Throw the plants away and took down my tent and now im waiting. Im going to wait about 1 month. I am going to sprout some seeds and go from there. I am planning on uses all organic stuff this time. Im using azamax along with a slew of other things. If you want the list let me know. IM looking for other peoples input and solutions.. PLEASE invest in a little 30 dollar handheld microscope. Up until i had one i was chasing the mystery deficiency. Under the micrscope they look like pin head size transparent balls these are the eggs. I still havent found anything that 100 percent works. Im hoping with my prevwntive measures i can get a good crop this time and not worry about those stupid and expensive chemicals. Hope this can help some people.
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