Broke MAIN COLA! What should I do?

Avon lee

Active Member
Just came back from Lowes buying 3 more 100 watt cfl's and decided to move my grow to the closet for more room.
Got the lights set up to kinda hover over the top because I have the other 3 cfl's along the sides
And as soon as I go to move one of plants over...BAMM!!!!!
The screw holding up one side of the fixture somehow came out of the wall and landed straight on my plant snapping the top Cola clean off. The rest of the plant is intact except for a fan leaf that came off!
My questions are...
Will my plant die????
If she lives will she hermi from the stress?
Will The other 15 bud sites Still grow as projected???
Please let me know! Very frustrated!
What should I do with the Cola that came off???

Avon lee

Active Member
The top bud is now on the floor!!! The main Cola BROKE OFF!
There are 2 more directly under it that are unharmed as the rest of the plant is still intact!
It look like someone took a sword and just sliced it right off onto the floor. Clean cut! I hope it doesn't die or go queer on me!!!! I am only 5 Weeks into flowering!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Your plant should be fine. It will not die. I get quite annoyed about how the hermie bollocks has been propogated so much, if your plants gonna hermie because a cola got cut off, then do some reading and buy some good genetics. Cannabis strains with good genetics do not just hermie, but "we've" all been convinced for some bizarre reason that if we so much shout at our plant it's gonna grow some balls.

Avon lee

Active Member
As long as she keeps growing/flowering like she supposed to. I am adamant about completing this grow. She looks to.have a low yield but my main purpose is to complete the final stages,i.e. Cuttin,hanging,curing etc.....
She is a very potent plant and the buds look great in my opinion but I just really wanna finish the whole process before ordering high qualitu strains! I sorta wanna be a pro at it before I throw the dough at it! I hope she's ok tho
Thanks for the input!!!!


Active Member
Your plant should be fine. It will not die. I get quite annoyed about how the hermie bollocks has been propogated so much, if your plants gonna hermie because a cola got cut off, then do some reading and buy some good genetics. Cannabis strains with good genetics do not just hermie, but "we've" all been convinced for some bizarre reason that if we so much shout at our plant it's gonna grow some balls.
Hahaha, I don't know.. cause I think that is what my dad thought would help me 'grow some balls' lol... sorry had to.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha. I'll forgive you :p While i grew exodus cheese clone for the duration of my last growing spell, 3 years, i always had at least 1 new strain even if just a small plant going alongside the cheese, and i treat my plants like garbage, i disprove the whole notion of having to check ppm in hydro or check water levels or look in on them daily etc, and i only ever had 2 cases of a hermie, one was from bagseed, the weed was sold to me cheap, chopped WAY too early, so it kinda made sense that this weed with a thousand seeds in it might not be giving me good seeds, and the other one, ironically, was the exodus cheese, a plant that is near impossible to hermie, yet somehow i did, in hindisght i shoulda kept that seed, posted it off to a friend in the states due to my grow size limitations.

In short, good plants should not hermie unless under the most extreme conditions. Folk have either been fed a load of tosh, or alternatively i just worry about what they are willing to spend their money on.