Broken at the stem... pic attached


Hey guys!

It's been a while since I have posted, been busy with school, work, etc. but thus it is the holidays so I finally have a life again :lol: (Happy Holidays btw)...

Onto the issue at hand... I recently switched over to DWC as I have seen the tremendous results in growth rates compared to soil, however as I was pruning off a dead leaf from one of my clones I accidently snipped the stem near the top of the plant :sad: *yikes*
plant problem.jpg

I'm posting the picture above in hopes that you guys can recommend what the best course of action is for this little guy... Whether I should just scrap him, or maybe top him at the site of the nip? I'm not sure what would be best because the top of the plant is still exhibiting new growth, but the stem doesn't look like it will be able to support much weight before snapping. Should I leave it the way it is or try some how to cut it to maximize lateral growth? Let me know what you think!


Well-Known Member
I'd not hesitate to just pluck it off if it does not look like it will heal up and make a strong union.


Well-Known Member
If it's already started to heal and it's hard to move back to where it was before it broke let it be and see if it keeps up with the rest of the growth. If it lags behind get that puppy off your plant it's just taking energy from it to keep it alive.


Well-Known Member
I agree with aim. Take it off, it'll be like topping it by accident. Don't risk hoping it will heal correctly and then when its 6 weeks into flower and you have a 6 oz cola on top it snaps at the cut cause it never made a strong bond. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I agree with aim. Take it off, it'll be like topping it by accident. Don't risk hoping it will heal correctly and then when its 6 weeks into flower and you have a 6 oz cola on top it snaps at the cut cause it never made a strong bond. Good Luck
Exactly what I was thinking.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I've ever broken a stem like that I've always wrapped it with duct's always worked good for me,except for my last plant but it broke in like ten spots

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
I can't tell from the pic, but it looks like you cut almost clean through. I'd say remove it, like the above posters said, just like an accidental topping. However, I always purposely pinch and break my stems (look up supercropping - basically, pinch until the stem is broken and limp but without cutting the outter 'skin' if you catch my drift), it makes for very strong, sturdy stems. You could try to tape it if you really want to, but I would top regardless of your accident cut :)


Well-Known Member
a plant is like a person. kinda. put it back into place. and duck tape it. it will grow back even stronger . I say a plant is a like a person because more you feed them the fatter they get lol . and so on.