Broken Stem Outdoors first time

Okay. First time grower outdoors. And first time this has ever happened to me. I woke up this morning and I found that one of my stems had a crack and my leafs were just hanging. I use some duct tape and I tied the rest of the stem on to some bamboo. Will my Orange Skunk survive?


Active Member
Where exactly on the stem did it break ? is it just one or are there multiple heads? the duct tape should work just fine. I split my main stem right down the middle last year and it healed just fine, check it DuctTape.jpg


Active Member
That pic was from last year and all I gave her was some botanicare pure blend pro grow 02-1.jpg, she looked great


Active Member
It might be best just to leave it on, personally I took it off after a couple weeks, but you'd probably cause less stress if you just left it on. Happy growin and good luck


Well-Known Member
Yes I have fixed broken stems just that way .
I used a piece of aluminum wire and some duck thap and made a splint.
I left it on for the rest of the grow and it worked great.


Active Member
Duck tape with some tree seal will do the trick and youll never be able to tell the stem got ripped. The tree seal really helps because it seals the "wound" and helps keep infections out.


Active Member
Good old duck tape, what can't that stuff fix! Purplegorilla's is spot on with the tree seal. I've used that stuff for my bonsai's and trees in the yard that get torn to hell during rudding season-- damn deer. That stuff works wonders. Good luck man. Cheers.


New Member
i had a real bad split on mine the plstic pot fell down 3 steps knocked the huge clump of dirt around the plant an the plant wrapped around the dirt and snapped the stem i tied rope around it and than once i found eletrical tape wrapped it around. this was just about a week ago. the electrical tape i found to be very good. and even if your stem grows more electrical tape has the dexturity to stretch so it wont squeeze your stem if it gets larger but yeah i would keep whatever you have on it on till its done or wait at least a month till you take it off. you can never be too careful you culd take it off in two weeks and end up having it rip wide open again.


Active Member
That tree seal sounds interesting, never heard of it. I just happen to break my fuckin stem again today. I stepped on the wire that was LSTing the main stems and that bitch split right down the middle. I wired it back together here are the pics View attachment 1054504View attachment 1054505 . Personally its not a matter if it will survive it's just that much slower the plant will grow and it's already been through enough stress with LSTing

Rougar, that looks like nasty break, I'm sure it will be fine tho considering it's a pretty thick stem, good luck tho. I do infact remember taking off my ductape like a week later and it wasn't healed, this was last year with my first grow.