brown and black spots, yellowing, drying and dying!!

Hello friends,
first post here under annoying circumstances. .
I have an outdoor plant almost 2 month old. I grew it pretty natural using tap water and middle-eastern sun and it was doing great. I even topped him almost a month ago and he recovered pretty nice..
but two weeks ago problems start coming. Small brown spots start apearing on the bottom older leaves, than the spots grew to cover most of the leaves, than leaves was getting dry and yellow which led me to cut them off. I was trying diagnosing the broblem using these guide:
and by looking at the pictures it looks pretty much like the plant suffer from Fungus Gnats. I can also confirm that I saw those bastard lately all over the plant. Immediately I stopped watering the plant and also placed some vinegar traps. Altogether It seemed to help getting rid of those gnats but the plant is not showing any signs of recovering. The spots and yellowing just start eating most of the leaves getting almost to the top leaves. Worth mentioning that the growth of the plant has almost completely stoped. Im attaching pics taken today showjng the symptoms. Keep in mind that I already cut off most of the sick leaves which is more than I have left now. Just imagine plenty of yellow brown spotted leaves all over. .
So my questions are:
1. Anyway that this plant can be saved or is it a dead end?
2. If there's still a chance to save it what do you suggest doing now?
3. Do you think the problems happend not only from those gnats, but also from some nutrient deficiency like nitrogen, molybdenumor magnesium?

Any help would be great. I really hate the thought of starting all over again and not having anough time for new growth


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Fungus gnats aren't usually that big of a deal. What is going on with your soil? Doesn't look like he is digging it. And why are you growing a male?
Hehe OK. .no. I hope it's not a male at least. Are you suggesting that the soil can be a cause for all that?

I think it could be. It looks like straight top soil which will often be under-aerated and cause your plants to look oxygen starved and over-watered, especially if the clay content is a little high.
That bad? I have a different kind of plant in the same soil and its not showing similar problems. .
Actually i dont think that the because it started when in was in a smaller pot with different soil
And I have just transplanted them to a bigger pot with that soil a week ago
Well I sure can't say for sure what is going on. But I know that plants put into good soil are not going to be deficient of anything for a good month. So I would figure out what ingredients are in your potting soil and go from there.
Yes it's been pretty hot as ususul in summer here. And I did stop watering them for the last 4 days to get rid of the gnats. I don't think they are underwatet. The soil is still a bit wet close to the roots. All of my plants not just cannabis looks tired at this hour when I took the pictures because it's hot and they looks good again at morning. .
some more pictures showing the current status


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Ok another update. I suspect that this soil is a bit shitty or at least not that suitable for the plant because it "holds" the water and not let it drain.
So yesterday I purchased a good neutral soil, some biobizz fish mix, a new big pot with good draining and I replanted again. As I thought the old soil was pretty wet after at least 5 days witthout watering.
I know it's not a good thing to replant so often but I do believe that this time the conditions are much more optimal. I've watered the plant with a very low dose of the fish mix and I hope for slow recovering. .
I will post some new photos when there will be any noticable change. Regarding the Ph, I think because im using soil and some fertilizer s now it will be ok and tge ph levels will remain near optimal but il keep monitor it using my high tech super advanced soil ph meter

Thanks for the feedbacks guys