Brown dots on leaves


Active Member
due to not having a timer i am getting out of bed at 1am to turn the ligh of then turing the light back on at 7am when i wake up, now im not sure when to water or mist the leaves so i just do it in the morning when i turn the light on could this be harming the plant and burning the leaves? I began flushing this morning to se if she responds any advice?????????


Active Member
what is your reason to 'mist' the leaves? did you know that a water molecule is too large to go thru the stomata? And futher more the leves have a waxy cuticle which prevets any water absorbtion by the leaves. So basicall it can only be used for one purpose and that is to lower leaf temperature but appox 10 degrees F. All water is absorbed throgh root cells.. and by misting you could be creating problems for the plant. So.. waht is your reason for wanting to mist the leaves of a plant?