Brown or copper spots on leaves


New Member
Hello everyone. First time grower here. I started growing 4 plants inside but my hand-me-down light broke so I moved the plants out to the sun. Average temps outside right now are 75 to 80F. This is a young plant early veg stage. The other 3 are looking healthy and green, but this one has these brown or copper colored spots on the leaves. I'm watering whenever the soil feels dry about once a week right now. Using FF Happy Frog soil and the FF trio Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom and also CalMag. Have only fed once at around half of what the FF schedule recommends.

I'm new to this so any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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It's a fungus if its not a cal mag deficency. Do the spots rub off or some come off when you touch them. If so its fungus, if not its nutrients
Calcium facilitates the uptake of everything but N and Potassium. So if u lack cal your lacking all micro nutrients usually
Calcium facilitates the uptake of everything but N and Potassium. So if u lack cal your lacking all micro nutrients usually
I tried rubbing the spots and they seem like dead dry spots all the way through the leaf or something. they don't rub off or anything. If I just watered yesterday should I wait until next week to give the cal mag? or do it immediately? Afraid of over watering . Thanks for the help
That's what I was going to say too but they look kind of lighter in color to me. Can leaf septoria be that light? It sure looks like something fungal that spread pretty bad. The description of going through the leaf all the way too sounds just like septoria. Since it's in veg it wouldn't hurt to spray it with a three in one spray for insects and mildew/mold spores. Something with sulphur in it now before it gets to the flower stage might be a good idea. If you are going to grow outside you need to be foliar spraying them at least weekly for bugs and stuff like powdery mildew and leaf septoria. It's better than trying to play catch up once you have a problem. Don't do it out in the full sun though as it can burn them up. Do it in the shade or really early in the morning so they can dry off before the brighter sunlight. Separate that plant as far as you can from the others as if it is septoria it is spread by spores and is fairly easy to spread from plant to plant.