Brown spots. Help


Hello i'm new to growing and ive hit a snag. My plants look awful. I'm running 6 100 watt cfls, 3 bright white and 3 daylight. Using 14-14-14 Its all i could get my hands on for now. I just started a co2 drip. My friend suggested a flush and its to much fert. Idk what to do next. Does it look like there dying?
yes they are definitely in bad shape i had this problem with my first plants but the good news is you can bring her back........this is what i did stop the drip marijuana plants dont need lots of water its better to under water them then to over water them!!! check the ph level it should be between 6.4 to 6.8 try to keep it in that rang and yall be fine do not water your plants for at least a week i know that it can be hard for a new bee "not to water a plant" but follow wat i said and yall be fine they only need water every 3 to 4 days or when first inch of soil gets crusty remmember just because the top looks a little dry dosent mean jack all the water is at the mid and bottom........hope i was some help to u, GET RID OF THE DRIP
Dude, just restart fresh. Your lights should be fine, just move them way close to the plant, like 4 inches away or so. Get a descent fan on them. Never plant in metal containers, and you want the soil to almost be flush with the sides of the pot. Also dont use any nutes until you see the bottom leaves yellowing. You might have known these things. Just making sure.

By the time you would get that plant to look and be healthy you could almost be that far with a new healthy plant. Are you sure you have six 100watt cfl's? or six cfl bulbs that individually compare to a 100 watt incandescent bulb.

(those might not be metal containers, they could be just a metal rim... Also i didnt want to come across as cocky, just wanted to try to iron EVERYTHING out.)
Hey thanks for all the help. Moneytrain, i have a co2 drip for the plants. Your saying i should get rid of the drip? White Lighting, I do have the two in metal coffee containers, but i can put them in something bigger. Gosh it seems like all ive been doing is trying and getting nowwhere. I can start germinating more seeds to start over. I'm gonna put up some more pictures in a minute of my setup and one other plant. Again thanks for all the help, hopefully i find a solution soon :-)
The one in the pot Looks kinda dead to me brotha. Might wanna start fresh.

And im kinda confused on where the other plants growing from (the healthy lookin one). Looks like its growing outa the piece of wood haha
haha the healthy looking one is in a 5 gallon bucket i bought from lowes. I originally started with ten plants...idk why they just kept dying on me. God i hope the healthy looking one isnt male.
Well if you have any questions im pretty sure i can answer them, since im on my second cfl grow this year. My first got thrown out for good reason. Mine is VERY similar to yours. Like i said man, get a fan, smother them with light, just back off a half inch or so when they look like theyre gettin to hot. Water them when they show signs they need water, a really important thing is soil. Im using soil from walmart, and its working out. Just look for seed starting mix. I just put in a co2 generator, i never messed with a drip.
Nice, Thanks white. I'm sure i will be having many more questions. Did you see the set of four pics i threw up today? I really wanna be successful at this and this was really just a practice run :-?. I plan on ordering some seeds soon as the seeds i started with were given to me from a friend so i dont even know what strain i have. The medium im using is from pricechopper some organic soil. So it looks like 1 out of the 3 is heading for the compost bag. When should i take it out of the soil and trash it?
Nice, Thanks white. I'm sure i will be having many more questions. Did you see the set of four pics i threw up today? I really wanna be successful at this and this was really just a practice run :-?. I plan on ordering some seeds soon as the seeds i started with were given to me from a friend so i dont even know what strain i have. The medium im using is from pricechopper some organic soil. So it looks like 1 out of the 3 is heading for the compost bag. When should i take it out of the soil and trash it?

It really is a pain to get it right the first couple times. I dont know how your money situation is, but your good on lights which is a relief. Your not gonna get a perfect grow for now, but youl learn and you might get something good you never know.

I would trash the brown one, soil and all. your just wasting light on it. As far as the seeds go, I wouldn't bother ordering offline till you know its gonna work out for you. So just try to find some seeds off of someone, as many as possible they never really go bad if sealed. Get some seed starting soil, its pretty cheap, go get some opaque (not see through, so light doesn't get to your roots) plastic cups, and plant as many as you can keep well lit. make sure you have a good bit of pinholes on the bottom of the cups so your roots can breath, and not drown. fill them to the top with soil, then water them till water comes out of the bottom a bit. (use water that has been sitting in an open container, that helps all the chemicals you dont want, to magically go away =P lol) When they get about a foot high at most, pick out the best looking ones to transplant to a bigger pots, you can get good plastic pots from walmart for like a buck or two a piece. They are colored either red, blue, or green. They have a sticker on them that says for 4'' plants, and 5 cups of soil. By that time youl be so happy and excited, then youl have to make a good game plan so you get some good buds.
This is the only plant that survived. Shes doing well except for her leaves that fold down slightely and if you notice the tips are folding down as well. What seems to cause this and how do i fix it? I started 12/12 on the first of september.