If you are growing in soil, your soil (depending on which soil you use) should have enough nutes in it for the first 4-6 wks, so you are quite possibly feeding too early, which has caused nute lock-out.
Have the cotyledon leaves(small round leaves) gone brown and dried up??That is a good sign its time to start with a mild nute solution..If the Cotyledons still look green and healthy,flush the pot with PH'd water,then just use water for a wk or two..
You can probably aim to start feeding a diluted nute solution when your plants are around the 4th or 5th node, or as soon as the Coty's die off.
1/2 strength nutes on 2wk old seedlings is a lil excessive to start off...Some strains dont like high nute levels,esp if there is still a bunch of nutes let in your soil...Try 1/6 or 1/4 of the recommended dosage for a wk or 2 then slowly ramp it up to around 1/2 to 3/4 dose.
If you have a PH meter, check the PH of the run-off water from the pots next time you water...Soil is usually a good buffer for PH, and as such doesnt tend to create too many PH problems, unless you are using Chemical nutes, like miracle grow or similar...Organic nutes barely affect my soil PH, and usually fluctuate around 6.5-6.8,
Organic nutes are also a lil more forgiving i you get over zealous with the nute regime...basically its a lil harder to over-nute with organics, unless you get really 'nute-happy'.
Are you misting the plants with a spray bottle?
That can create small brown burn marks all over your leaves if you mist while the lights are on, especially if youre growing under high power lighting...The droplets of water act like a magnifying glass and scorch the leaf membranes...
Pics would be good, for a better diagnosis...also what strain, growing medium , nutes etc.??