Brown Spots On My Girls Leaves


Active Member
Well, it's either a deficiency or nute burn. PH imbalance? Magnesium deficiency? What are they, 3-4 weeks? I've had great results with Foxfarm nutrients but nutes are useless if your ph is off, your plants will only absorb nutes within a certain ph range (mine stays at 6.4-6.6)

Use the best soil you can get (ocean forest), and feed them properly with distilled or r/o water. When I didn't do those 2 things, I cared for my plants like they were babies, and they still sucked. Now I feed and forget, I might go 3 days without even opening my closet and I never check PH (unless I suspect a problem). No more dead leaves and fat, dense buds!!!


Ph is at 6.7 - 7 (depending on where i stuck the ph meter into my medium) i checked when i noticed the discolouration. I'm using John Innes mix no.2 which is one of the better readily available mediums at my disposal No.2

I use spring water or water thats been sat out for 2-3 days. I'm leaning more towards nute burn at the minute as everything else I've checked seems to be ok. Time to lay off the nutes for a bit and hope she settles down


Active Member
Oh, you're using compost and feeding them nutes? Might be a little hot... you mixed the compost with soil, right? When I add organics to my soil it carries them right into flower.

Seriously, distilled water is the same price as spring water, and "letting x evaporate" doesn't do jack. If you're using anything but distilled water you're putting unnecessary minerals (salts) into your soil.


It was mixed with top soil half and half. I will look at getting some distilled water tomorrow and continue the watering when it is required with that.

Every bit of advice I read before I started my grow said to use Spring water or to use tap water but let the chlorine evaporate before you water the plant. I guess nothing beats first hand experience


Well-Known Member
rain water ! get a 40-50 gallon tote and rework a down spout no need 2 buy water .that doesn't look like burn it lools hungry i noticed the bottom fan is necrotic and they aren't big enuff for bottom fans 2 start dieing . flush with the distilled wait till it dries up and begin a regular feeding regiment , not to say burn the shit out of them but a regular feed schedule feed then when it dries up water then feed .fox farm three pack will do, if ure not able to get the premium nutes then go 2 depot and get the alaska fish emulsion veg and flowerit works well . if there is a nursery/greenhouse local, jacks classic is awsome they r both cheap relatively speaking