Brown spots, yellow droopy dry leaves CFL


Active Member
It looks like it could use a little nitrogen. Whats ur water pH and run off pH ? The plants are two weeks old. I think they have used up all the energy from the seed and in a soilless mix it has no nutes to uptake. Start with a low dose of veg nutrient.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
seems like poor drainage, next time wait until almost completely dry and than water. water just enough, not to the point the cup is dripping from the bottom. once you start feeding that's when you should start watering until you get a certain amount of runoff.
I agree with N deficiency, could also use a low dose of nutes.
It looks like it could use a little nitrogen. Whats ur water pH and run off pH ? The plants are two weeks old. I think they have used up all the energy from the seed and in a soil-less mix it has no nutes to uptake. Start with a low dose of veg nutrient.
I added 1/4 strength 20-20-20 miracle grow all purpose fert.
the ph is 7.2 today in the runoff, so I checked the distilled water 7.7... so theres my reason. So whats the best water to buy then because it aint Real Canadian Spring Water:(
View attachment 2412331

Also whats the safest way to lower/ equalize the soil ph? sulphur?
Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
Instead of constantly paying for the water from the store check out this site the perfect I bought there hydroponic ro system it adds 15-30 ppms of calmag back into water and also throws out a ph 6.5 when I water my house plants not my ladies cuz there hydro, I don't have to do any ph ing. Granted there's no nutes in the water but cal mag so if they look hungry I feed them which depending on nutes you will have to check ph. for my house plants I use advanced nutes mother earth tea. It doesn't change the ph but other lines will fluctuate a little. As far as your babies go I'd hit em with some food at a light feeding. I run in coco and when I pop seeds, once popped and have leaves out I immediately start feeding them with a very low ppm. coco is pretty neutral as far as food in the medium so the plants will need a little food to work off of until established for a higher nute regimen.