Brown Spots?


Well-Known Member
My leafs are getting brown spots and im wondering if its nute burn or after effects of being root bound for the second time..the watering before last i started 1.5ml of dyna gro 7-9-5 it was also the day i transplanted..that was about a week ago...i also just switched them into flower a couple days ago (yes i know they prolly got stressed to shit)..I need some advice please!!!


Active Member
flush em and feed water... you stressed em and over nuted. fresh dirt had enough n utes for a bit. and when you start with a rootbound plant you should start at a half dose or so and go to 3/4 and up to a full if they are responding well watering with only water in between feedings once to let it work befor it burs shit. a good flush and only water for a coiuple waters should do the trick... come on slow with nutes.. you can add more but by the time you realize you got to take some of it out the damage is already done.... good luck man.


Well-Known Member
6 gallons or so, nice and slow. don't use any ferts for the first two weeks of that stuff sounds pretty hot to me. 7-9-5, we tend to use a lighter mix of fert's. organic only thing we use. blue mountain organics.