Brown tips????

Hey guys, Im sending you guys a few pictures of my blue dream haze plant which right now its on its 50th day of veg. I woke up this morning to find some of my fan leafs with curling brown tips. Its in a 3 gallon pot full of fox farm ocean forest and I just started to give it GH Flora series nutes at half strength. FYI, the browning and the curling started to happen before the nutes were given to the plant. I really think that it has to do with heat stress as the room has been a little warm the past few days. I also raised the light this morning as the bulb was only a few inches away from the top of the plant (150 sodium bulb), the picture showing the grow space shows the light AFTER i raised it. Let me know what you guys think as I have gotten to love this plant.

P.S the smaller plant next to the blue dream haze is an og kush plant that fell victim to overwatering and a small pot, now its more as my experiment plant (experiment with nutes, cal/mag water, etc. Ill take suggestions on my experiment plant as well



Well-Known Member
Just google magnesium deficiency, look at the pics. You can fix that with an epsom salt foliar spray. Dissolve 1 Tbs/gallon and apply to the foliage with a clean spray bottle.

EDIT: And don't add more N. Wait to see what you plant looks like 4-5 days after you treat.
Nothing in the soil, except whatever fox farm uses. If its a magnesium deficiency can I just use the cal/mag solution or does the epsom salt spray work better?
I have had similar problems when using fox from products. Not saying I'm not a fan of FF, I am. My fix was just a quick flush to get tha salt out of tha soil and cut tha PPM in half for the next few feedings. If you don't flush every so often with FF you may burn tha girls a bit.


Well-Known Member
The great thing about epsom salt spray is that if you have any problem with your roots or your soil chemistry, your plant will still be able to uptake the Mg. So faster results. One trip to the drug store and about $1.50 to solve your problem.
ill give the spray a shot. I don't think i have to to flush it as all this plant has gotten is destilled water and some cal/mag solution.

This might be another topic but is Fox Farm the bet soil to use? some say yes some say they like miracle grow better.
Some of my leaves , the tips are starting to brown and curl up. I thought it was a magnesium problem so is sprayed it with Epsom salt and the curling didn't stop. I checked the ph of my run off and it's was low , so I flushed it with ph'd water. After 6 gallons ( I have a 3 gallon pot ) the run off is still low. Don't really know what to do next . Any help?