Brown/yellow spots 3 weeks into autoflower


Well shit. This is my first grow, so I decided to take the easy (?) route and go auto. I'm growing indoors CFL w/ MG. I thought everything was going awesome and I was counting the days till delicious harvest time, then trouble.

The strain (I'm spacing on the exact name) was supposed to be a 60-day auto and she's now 3 weeks into budding. Towards the beginning of the week she started getting little brown and yellow spots on just the lower fans. The spots quickly grew until the entire leaf was yellow and, eventually, dead. The leaves also start to droop and get kind of rubbery. Most of the lower fans are now yellow/yellowing and it's starting to spread to some of the mid/upper fans. Could this be N deficiency? I know some N loss is common towards the end of flowering, but should it be this much?? If not N, what do you guys think?

PS - Just ignore those leaves towards the top that have heat burn - they got a bit too close (touching) a cfl :-(

Thanks for all the help!!

2011-03-16 17.00.23.jpg
dude the same thing happened to me, one of my plants developed these late into flowering but i now have one dooing this pretty early on i dont know wether to be worried or not :/