Bubba kush 73 days still clear wth...


Well-Known Member
Seed cos say short flower on her. Last one i held out to 70 and trichs were nice blend mostly cloudy id say 20 to 30 percent amber, this time im on 73 still doesnt look close to harvest... any thoughts? Its a clone of the other, anyone else ever grow her and have approx time theey spent in blooma? Nothing changed in method, medium, enviornment, etc

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^THIS and -

More blue in the bulbs spectrum
shorten lights on time to 10/14


Well-Known Member
I can go with bobtokes ideas... dr who, i agree on those, i have LED supplimental lights w lots of blue and UVB bulbs going....

I did go back and look, i was slightly wrong, i turned temp down a week earlier last time.... so should be good to go in a week. I thought i did timing the same of the big cool off.... cant shorten lights can i as i have two other girls in mid flower...