Bubba Kush and Icicle Grow - pics - advice for harvesting/drying/curing?


I'm 3 weeks into flowering, after about 10 weeks of veg.
I'm growing in fox farms aquatic forest soil and cutting edge solutions nutes, with 2 foot t5 fluorescents for vegging, and a 150 watt HPS for flowering.

I plan to continue flowering for another 5 weeks.... 3 of which I will continue to give the plant nutes for, and then 2 weeks to flush the soil and plants.

i then plan to hang upside down in a pitch black closet for a week or until stems dry to where they almost snap went bent, and then I will put the buds in glass jars to cure for another couple weeks, opening once a day to let any excess moisture out

does anyone have any opinions or advice on this?



anyone? any advice would be greatly appreciated....
just thought id update.. i did a little more research and now what im thinking is this:
3 more weeks with nutes, 2 more weeks after that with no nutes and just water, 3 days in complete darkness with no water but still planted, then cut the plants at base and hang them upside down in darkness for about 3 days, then cure for 4 weeks in jars

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I flush with Florakleen then go 1 week with water only and 24hrs dark before the hack job. I like to cut off all the branches. Then I hang in the dark about 3 days, till buds feel pretty dry to the touch. Then they go into paper bags for a couple more days. The key is to not let the buds moisten up after they dry the first time. If they do you will loose that sweet smell and the taste. If I see or feel any sign of moister after they are in jars or plastic bags they go back to the paper bags for a while. The curing process can take months but be sure the buds are completely dry before you seal them up. Good Luck!