Bubble bag help please

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow Nature Lovers,
My wonderful wife bought me some 1 gallon bubble bag brand bags' the 8 bag set for my recent bday. I was so psyched I have been asking for them for 3 years lol... Usually I just use my trim to make awesome oil or she and I make cannabutter to make edibles... But I wanted ice water hash so bad.. So, I watched Subcools YouTube bubble making movie like 5 times... I used a 3/4 full freezer bag filled with frosty frosty sugar trim and lower nugs.. Enough I could have easily made 4grams of oil out of... I used he same slotted spoon, store bought ice... I stirred for 5 minutes vigorously and got nothing!!!!! I then did another stir, this time for 10 minutes and got a tiny bit out of the 45 bag! Like a little booger of hash.. It was so embarrassing for me when my wife woke up and was like "that's it?"...... So I am quite disappointed. I make oil at least a couple times a month and that always comes out great. What did I do wrong.? Subcool seems to only use like 4 bags in his tutorial, I used all of them. Is that my mistake? Also, Subcool (who clearly knows his shit) pours the water through ech bag separately rather than have all the bags inside one another and pouring it through also all of them at the same time.. What am I doing wrong? I love my honey oil but really want to make some bubble. I do not have tons of trim to work with only like a zip or 2 every couple months.. That is why I did not follow the sites Hash MasterMr Rize because he uses the machine and way more than me. I need help guys! I have made ice hash in the past using the gummy method and got way way more and it came out way better.. I'm disappointed..... Those bags were pricey . Help please


Well-Known Member
Sub cools quick and stir technic will yield a very small amount of hash. So I would use less bags, but then I don't use that many any way. Matts ice water hash is a great process. How ever you agitate will make the difference. The gentler you are the less plant material and the least amount of hash, but the purest.

Matt Rize

small amounts of trim like you mention are barely worth ice water extracting. hate to say it.

consider this a learning experience. water wax aint easy like making budder.
Definitely had this happen to me too on my first run with the 1 gallon 8 bag kit. After a few runs I think I've found out where I fucked up. First, make sure you're using some well grown/ frosty ass trim (Fresh frozen for 24 hours + most preferably). Second, you've got to make sure you're using the right amount of said trim. The 1 gallon kit can handle up to 56 grams of dry trim, which with fresh wet trim can be anywhere from 200-400g, but obviously depending on your trim (Dry some and see what percentage of the wet trim's weight is left). Third, after talking with Bubbleman, it sounds like you shouldn't strain through bags individually. Either mix in the 220 with its own bucket and then pour through the rest of the 7 bags stacked up in a single bucket or mix in a completely separate bucket and then pour through the 8 bags lined up in a single bucket (Remember to line the bags correctly in the bucket, smallest micron size to largest :P) . Finally where I personally believe I fucked up most was first not allowing the mixture time to freeze the plant material and then second not allowing the mixture time to settle after stirring. If you plan to mix in the 220 and pour into the remaining 7 bags, first put the 220 bag in a bucket and fill the bucket with purified ice cold water just over the screen of the 220. Next put in a nice little layer of ice. Add all your trim and then top it with load and loads of ice up until a few inches below the top of the bags (the more ice the better). Fill the bucket up to the top of the ice with more of that cold purified water. Now let the bucket sit for 20 or so minutes (Putting it somewhere cold is all the better). Then do your hand stir for anywhere from 6-15 minutes. I do around a 10 minute hand stir with a wooden spoon. After a vigorous stir you should see some foaminess in the water (this is good). Once you’re done stirring let the mixture sit for about 20 minutes to allow the trichs to settle. Following this pour your mixture into the remaining bags that are stacked in a single bucket (either 220 and down or 190 and down). From here pull out your bags one at a time making sure to to clean them off once you’ve gotten what you need out of them. From about the 160/120-25 you’ll probably want to use a plastic spoon to scoop up the wet hash. Also something that I’ve learned from Matt Rize is that using a sprayer with ice cold water is a great way to get all the hash on the mesh into one general area, making for a much easier scooping process. As soon as you scoop up your wet hash put them onto the drying screen (provided with the 8 kit system) and have a towel underneath the drying screen to absorb some of the moisture. After all your wet hash is on the drying screen make and has begun to dry, try to break up the chunks as fine as possible to allow for a more even dry of your product. After several days of letting the now smaller pieces of hash dry, put it into some sort of container to allow it to cure (similar to curing buds, venting the container every so often throughout the day). I apologize for the fucking novel, but I do hope this helps. Fuck BHO, Full Melt ftw!

Heres a good link from Bubbleman’s website. [url]http://www.bubblebag.com/instructions/bubblebag_detailed.php[/URL]. In addition, to Matt Rizes fantastic tutorial on this website, Fullmeltbubble.com is another excellent source for all info pertaining water hash.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks guys for your replies! Thanks Magicgopher for your good advice. I did let the mixture sit for a half hour in the fridge.. I also let the mixture settle for a half hour.I think next time I will have all the bags together when I pour it through. So, Magicgopher and Matt, do you guys think I just used too little an amount of trim? Should I just try more? See, I used the amount it looked like Subcool used in his movie, maybe more.. And he got a decent amount. I want to make nice water hash. Should I just save trim from a couple harvest and use a lot maybe? Matt, is it really not even worth making water hash in the 1 gallon bags? I love my honey oil but want something more natural...
Hmmm well if you're letting your mixture sit both before and after stirring and your trim is mostly sugar leaves and lower nugs then my guess would be either that, you aren't using enough material, or you aren't stirring long and hard enough, or maybe even a mix of both. It is a bit of a guessing game when it comes to the amount of fresh wet trim necessary for the 1 gallon kit. But if you're talking about 3/4 full on one of those 1 gallon freezer bags, then ya I would think you should have enough material. And if you do have what would be 56 grams of dry material, bubble bags usually generate anywhere from 3-10% yield, so you should be at least be getting 1.5g's of hash. Now the part of stirring and agitating the mixture is very important. If you're using a hand stirrer (i.e. wooden or metal spoon) then it's pretty hard to over agitate the mixture, so my suggestion would be to do about a 8-15 minute long stir, but make sure if you're going doing a pretty hard stir on it. Other than this I can't really see where you may be going wrong. I hope you get it going though, there's nothing quite as rewarding as making your own full bubble hash. Best of luck