Bubble Bags Question

Hey guys,

So I was wondering where I can buy the best value 5 gallon bubble bags. I'd like to keep this as cheap as possible but still yield high quality results, and have found the following vendors so far:

BestChoiceProducts (eBay and Amazon):

  • 5 gallon, 3 bag set for $40 (220-73-25)
  • 5 gallon, 5 bag set for $55-60 (220-160-120-73-25)
  • 5 gallon, 8 bag set for $75
BubbleBagDude (eBay):

  • 5 gallon, 3 bag set for $50 (220-73-20)
  • 5 gallon, 4 bag set for $60 (220-120-73-20, Don't see a 5-bag without $150 machine on top)
  • 5 gallon, 8 bag set for $80
over $60 is too much IMO, so the 8-bags are pretty much out of question


i fouind some really cheap sets on amazon that im going to be ordering soon, hope this helps bro peace
I have heard good thingsb about bubble bag dude so I'm thinking of gettin his 4-bag set... has anyone bought this? what bags are considered "smokeable" hash? I've got some speculations but Im still not entire sure why a 220-120-73-20 would be better than a 220-73-20 if all i'm gonna keep is in the 73 and 20 bags anyways..

EDIT: I did some more searching and found "Sprung Bags" which also have a good rep (5 bag 5 gallon for $80, 220-160-110-73-25)

Please comment!