bubble cloner stem curling


alright so i built my self a bubble cloner consisting of a folgers can with holes drilled in the top i have a small air stone hooked up in it. i took some cuttings last night of various strains was very methodical in prep. and caring it out sterilizing everything being very careful. i decided to use straight tap water as i've read the cholrine is a good thing in cloners and this being my first time and a DYI i figure i need all the help i can get as my normal method is a cup and soil. well i checked them periodically last night and no wilt or anything was very pleased but this morning i check them out and every last damn stem has curled up in a u shape out of the water touching the bottom of the lid ........what the heck i have ph test strip's (i use a decently hot soil mix of my own and use dry fert's/top dress, aerated teas, and maxi-crop as needed) so they are not no accurate but my tap water is running 7.6.. most of the time is 7 but could this lead to the curling or maybe to much o2 bubbling i have a smaller pump ??? need some help here guy's i cannot afford to lose and cutting's!!! thanks
will try to get pix my card reader is not working right ....