Bubble has problem / question

Howdy all,

So I just bought a 4 bag (5gallon) bubble hash set for my trim. It wasn't just trim but an assortment of buds that I didn't feel lived up to my standards of quality. So it's my first time with the bag set.

So I added ice, trim, and more ice to the bucket. I then agitated the wort for about 30 minutes with a mixer as Cervantes suggests. I let the shit settle for about 10 min then I started pullin the bags out.

The first bag was just the junk. But here's where my problem came in. The next two bags, 110 and 75 microns, didn't filter shit. It all went onto my 25 micron bag which took FOREVER to drain.

What I got at the bottom was this lime green hash (a fair amount) but not the gold color that I expected. But now the 25 micro bag is dyed green and doesn't siv well. We're soaking it now in rubbing alcohol diluted in water to clean it.

Where did I go wrong? Are my bags bunk or just my technique?


Well-Known Member
High Friend, I had a similar problem with my 5 bag set-up the 1st time, my problem was a combination of many things. 1st I mixed up my cuttings after letting them air dry for a few days, also I mixed in too much "junk" with my mix! you only want trich coated goodness! nothing else!! if theres no triches on it, throw it out!!! also I mixed it with a power drill on HIGH for 2 15 minute intervals (pure what I saw on you-tube) also wrong!! I mixed it too hard you want only to agitate the mixture, not beat the hell out of it! ended up with green CRAP!!!

the next batch I froze my freshly cut Trich coated goodness for a week before mixing, then I put the ice and cuttings in the bucket differently then previously, this time I started with a layer of ice 1st then some cuttings, then more ice, then another layer of cuttings, then more ice. filled with water and let it sit for about 20 minutes, then mixed it for 30 minutes on LOW once!!! then I let it sit for a half an hour before screening, came out so much better!! try it this way on your next batch and I'm sure you'll be much happier with the outcome. pics below are from the fresh frozen method I'm pratice now.



Well-Known Member
Yeah take his advice man, If its green you broke the plant matter down small enough to fall through with the trichromes.