how much did the portable washing machine cost u?
this thread was written in regards to bubble hash makin via hash bubble bags. im sure the washing machine would work hell of a lot better if its within ur budget. i myself may consider that route next if the price is rite.
Mr. Boomskeets:
Chopping today (what a fucking pain in the ass, especially because my head shop is out of the automatic trimmer I was gonna buy), and I ordered one of those little washing machines and a set of five bubble bags yesterday.
Should be here within a week, and by that time the trim should be dry and ready to get hashed - if it's okay with you, I'll post my results/experiences/questions in this thread to share with everyone.
Mr. Boomskeets:
Chopping today (what a fucking pain in the ass, especially because my head shop is out of the automatic trimmer I was gonna buy), and I ordered one of those little washing machines and a set of five bubble bags yesterday.
Should be here within a week, and by that time the trim should be dry and ready to get hashed - if it's okay with you, I'll post my results/experiences/questions in this thread to share with everyone.
VERY GOOD BUBBLE HASH TUTORIAL BooMeR will try this once ive harvested my next grow wish i was doing this with my trim last year + rep
Boomer - I just wanted to add something here.
I said earlier that I thought it was a waist to mix in the bags. I was mixing in the bucket then letting it settle and removing the bulk and pooring thru the bags. I did this to save the bags some wear and tear and give a bit more room in the bucket.
I now think I will mix in the bags from now on (at least the one bag 220micron) like the rest of you. I am concerned that the ice hitting the sides of the plastic bucket while mixing might shave off very small bits of plasitc (not sure but want to be safe). So I am onboard with the rest of you in using the bag to mix in. I hope I didn't sway anyone to do the wrong thing!
ya if u want thatd b sick. i was checkin into those mini washers for the hash makin since future harvests are looking at like 30lbs and shit. lol. so auto trimmers and bubble machine is def in need. so i guess its time to explore new options and im sure itll help others.
i got a piece the other day that tasted like diesel (not the good kind), made me wonder about how it was made.unfortunatley butane hash making methods r supposedly illegal here in california. im sure for personal use its legal but dealin with the collectives; they wont get near it
hey boomer, did you let the ice melt or did you scoop it out. it wasn't mentioned.
Here's a question - since it doesn't really seem to be worth it to me to have different "grades" (because the best grade has <gram), could I just have two bags in there - the 220 micron "shitcatcher" and then my 20 micron "hash catcher"?
Since I'd rather mix them all together anyways, would this work?
Also, going to let the other two bags of trim freeze overnight and see if that makes any meaningful difference (the ones I did today were only in the freezer for an hour or two).