bubble hash newbie needs advice

Hey there. I just made a batch of bubble hash last night . I used a 220micron, a 160micron, a 73micron, and a 25micron. I got a 1 gallon kit and used 2 1 gallon koolaid pitchers. My question is what is the best way to press this ? And what bag has best quality hash? And how do I move this to the newbie forum?


Well-Known Member
From what you posted, your most potent concentrate will be in the 25 micron bag, and each bag thereafter will be slightly less potent.
As for pressing, I have seen put it into a plastic bag and roll over it with a glass bottle that has warm water in it. I am sure there are more methods of doing so.
Best way to press it is between some newspaper get all the moisture out is what I have found. And I believe the best hash comes from the mid size bag so in your case it would be the 160 or the 73 hard to tell. Also after you have pressed your hash wrap it back up in some slitely damp newspaper wrap it up stick it in the oven. Best way to find all this out is just google it and it is everywhere on YouTube
The best bag will vary on the head size, and I wouldn't be pressing your wet bubble.

Pressing wet hash will squeeze a little water out, yes. But it will also squeeze water into the trichome heads, and will most definitely mold.

just my .02 though.

and don't put your hash in the oven, wtf.