Bubble Hash


Active Member
Can anyone give me a heads up on where I can buy 5 gallon bubble hash bags. Best price ive seen is $175 for a 4 bag kit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also props to Oregon Norml for this video...Making Bubble Hash


Well-Known Member
I have this set... http://cgi.ebay.com/5-BAG-5-GALLON-BUBBLE-ICE-WINE-HERB-EXTRACTION-BAG-FREE-/110587798462?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19bf8be3be And am happy with it. The mesh sizes are what they claim they are, unlike some other sellers on Ebay. I bought off another guy, and found the 73 and 25 micron bags were both actually 73 microns. Everything falls right through the so-called 25 micron bag, losing a good percentage of your high grade hash. Wtf?

True Bubble Bags are the best, mainly because they are built better, and last longer. But, for $46 plus $10 shipping, those bags above, will make you quite a few batches of excellent hash. Not a bad deal. Agreed?