Bubblehash problems



i've bought a bubbleator with a 3 bag system. Now all goes well, untill i try to dry my crystals. How do i get them not to get sticky but become powder so i can put them in a press? Also, what's the beste possible way to get that nice brown and soft hasjish? which crystals do i use? bags are 220, 70 and 35 micron. Some of the crystals are green, and when i heat them and try to press them by hand, they just get sticky and really soft, almost impossible to roll a joint with that stuff!!! someone with experience that want to help me?

after you extract the hash from the bags its very wet, you must dry it out before smoking OR pressing. I like to put a large glob of hash on my 25 micron pressing screen and wrap a towel around it and press it down very hard so that the water gets absorbed into the towel. NEXT i take those semi-pressed globs of hash and i set them on a paper plate or piece of cardboard. Let them sit for about 2-3 days until they are very solid and dry all the way through.

At this point, some people smoke it like that because it should be able to be broken into small chunks or powder and be smokeable and curable(to get smoother flavor). However, I do not stop here because I have a pollen press and I like to make discs of pressed/heated hash.

So the next step would be to get a cheese grater, or a micro grater ready inside a large glass pan or bowl. Grate all the semi pressed globs of hash(they must be VERY dry) into little shavings of hash. Then you are ready to weigh out a gram or 2 grams and load it into your pollen press. When I press my disks, I twist it tight, then heat it up on an electric heater until its hot to the tutch and then twist more then let it sit for a min or two so it can completely cool down, then I remove the solid disc of hash.

I hope this helps! good luck
You get your crystals out of your 70,and the 35 mic.Trim stays in the 220.
I have a 220,73,and 25. bag set up.
I take the hash globs and put it in a cheese cloth or hop bag.
Twist it in a ball squeezing out the water.Squeeze out the water into a small glass bowl.Let the water evaporate and scrape up some awsome hash dust.
Take the hash balls out of the cheese cloth right away.Works great! Few hours its ready to smoke.
I dont see how you are getting green crystals.Should be blonde looking.
It does stay soft and gooey for only a while untill it dries.Then it will either be very hard chunks or crumble into fine particles of love.
You should not have to heat any hash up to form it.If you dry it first like you said you wont be able to press it.
thx for the advice guys. well, the first batch of crystals are blonde, but i think i squeezed them a bit too hard so they've formed into a big chunk, smoke was great, but difficult to take it with you in a zipbag when you're going away because it's too soft when it gets warm in your pocket. that's why i want that brown, but still a bit soft hasjish, you can pince little crumbles of it but keeps it form when you're carrying it around in your pocket. The 2nd and 3rd batch are much more green crystals, still very potent but i don't know how i should handle those so they form up to a nice piece of hasj, either way, with a mechanical press or handpressed.