Bubbleponics airline question


Active Member
fact, well kinda. if your using steel air lines you will have very little pressure loss. the more flexible you line material is the more pressure you will lose, however this is of little consequence when you are dealing with a continuous feed like in bubbleponics. if you were using high pressure aero this might be of some concern. your pump is constantly pumping at the same pressure so even if the line expands the pressure will still equalize at whatever the pump pumps at. if you were pumping in sperts of high pressure like in HPA or in say a break line in your car or motorcycle the expanding of the line will cause a slightly delayed reaction of gradual application not offering full force at the very beginning.


Active Member
Thanks for quick reply. So your saying if I'm doing bubbleponics it doesn't effect much because I'm running 24h? So I can run a line that's like 4 ft n still b ok? On another topic is that why aeroponic they use PVC pipes n not lines?