ok so this is my first grow really. ive tried a soil grow once and am giving it 1 more shot as u can see in the pic but ive decided to settle for bubbleponics. only thing is that i can either spend 300$ on the complete bubbleponics multispectrum kit or about $140 on the same bubbleponics kit but without the CFL lights. this is a problem because the temperature in my closet with the 150watt HPS light on is 80-90degrees with a fan blowing. if i close the closet the temperature can very quickly reach 100 degrees so i have to keep the closet constantly open and thus light constantly shines in my room and its tough sleeping at night.
the temps are usually in low to mid 80s. but with the multispectrum CFL blbs im sure i could drop that temperature down 10 more degrees or at least not have to use a fan and be able to close the closet.
So heat and constant annoying light are issues here but mainly its the heat that im worried about as the HPS gives off alot of it, and a fan with open closet is absolutely necessary and my closet space is relatively small as u can see in the pics. its 4.5' X 4' X 6' .
Also there is the issue of electricity. the bubbleponics multispectrum bulbs are 300watt total and give 15k lumens, the same as my 150watt hps but i know HPS is much better overall.
Im 18, will be senior in highschool this fall, and live with my parents and they dont really care much that im growing weed but with the HPS i have to keep the air conditioner on almost constantly which causes complaining from them about how cold the house is, complaints about how high the electricity bill will get, and also draws more concern and attention to my growing operation. I would think with the CFL multispectrum lights i would not need to run the AC, and possibly even be able to not use a fan and keep the closet closed and maintain at most a 85F temperature. However i am also on a budget with no steady income coming in and only have about 500$ to my name right now. I know if i get the multispectrum bubbleponics thing ill really be paying an extra $150 just for the CFL lights. But considering the issue of stealth, heat i think it would be worth it. But if i stick with the HPS i already have ill save $150, have faster growth and bigger yield but need to keep the closet door always open (except during dark periods ofc) and a fan always running. Also the flowering timer that i can get with the kit works only with their CFL setup and ill have to get a different one if i use my HPS. Also, if i get the CFL setup i could use it along with my HPS at the same time and be able to grow 6 plants instead of just 2 or 3 if i used just one of the lights. But, from what i assume about CFLs, is that since they dont require a ballast i can later buy 3 200watt CFL lights and use those in the reflector instead of the standard ones for 30k lumens or even get a dual spectrum setup and put 2 200watts in for 20k lumens...or does it not work like that?
Since im a first time grower Ill be growing bagseeds or skunk #1 or northern lights. i cant decide cus NL is an indica and they are very easy to grow indoors and quite hardy so id figure itd be easier for me but i hear can get tall. But skunk #1 is a sativa and harder to grow indoors and has a stronger smell which i dont want spreading all over the house. Im mainly concerned about easyness and size. Because of my closet size (i dont mind moving the rest of my clothes somewhere else when the plants get bigger) i want something that is not super tall but not super bushy either.
Please help me as ive been sitting here for a week not able to decide. Should i go with the kit without the CFL lights (start kit) and use my HPS or just pay the extra $150 and go with the CFLs (complete kit)?
http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=16&xSec=34 vs. http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=121&xSec=2
Also, should i grow NL or skunk #1? whats easier and better for me considering my equipment, space, and living conditions. I already have all nutes and such.
and another point to consider is that all weed is 40$ a gram throughout most of my state, however i dont distribute but i know people who do distrubute that i could sell it to for $20 a gram easily and they can add their own $20....lots of money for college
the temps are usually in low to mid 80s. but with the multispectrum CFL blbs im sure i could drop that temperature down 10 more degrees or at least not have to use a fan and be able to close the closet.
So heat and constant annoying light are issues here but mainly its the heat that im worried about as the HPS gives off alot of it, and a fan with open closet is absolutely necessary and my closet space is relatively small as u can see in the pics. its 4.5' X 4' X 6' .
Also there is the issue of electricity. the bubbleponics multispectrum bulbs are 300watt total and give 15k lumens, the same as my 150watt hps but i know HPS is much better overall.
Im 18, will be senior in highschool this fall, and live with my parents and they dont really care much that im growing weed but with the HPS i have to keep the air conditioner on almost constantly which causes complaining from them about how cold the house is, complaints about how high the electricity bill will get, and also draws more concern and attention to my growing operation. I would think with the CFL multispectrum lights i would not need to run the AC, and possibly even be able to not use a fan and keep the closet closed and maintain at most a 85F temperature. However i am also on a budget with no steady income coming in and only have about 500$ to my name right now. I know if i get the multispectrum bubbleponics thing ill really be paying an extra $150 just for the CFL lights. But considering the issue of stealth, heat i think it would be worth it. But if i stick with the HPS i already have ill save $150, have faster growth and bigger yield but need to keep the closet door always open (except during dark periods ofc) and a fan always running. Also the flowering timer that i can get with the kit works only with their CFL setup and ill have to get a different one if i use my HPS. Also, if i get the CFL setup i could use it along with my HPS at the same time and be able to grow 6 plants instead of just 2 or 3 if i used just one of the lights. But, from what i assume about CFLs, is that since they dont require a ballast i can later buy 3 200watt CFL lights and use those in the reflector instead of the standard ones for 30k lumens or even get a dual spectrum setup and put 2 200watts in for 20k lumens...or does it not work like that?
Since im a first time grower Ill be growing bagseeds or skunk #1 or northern lights. i cant decide cus NL is an indica and they are very easy to grow indoors and quite hardy so id figure itd be easier for me but i hear can get tall. But skunk #1 is a sativa and harder to grow indoors and has a stronger smell which i dont want spreading all over the house. Im mainly concerned about easyness and size. Because of my closet size (i dont mind moving the rest of my clothes somewhere else when the plants get bigger) i want something that is not super tall but not super bushy either.
Please help me as ive been sitting here for a week not able to decide. Should i go with the kit without the CFL lights (start kit) and use my HPS or just pay the extra $150 and go with the CFLs (complete kit)?
http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=16&xSec=34 vs. http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=121&xSec=2
Also, should i grow NL or skunk #1? whats easier and better for me considering my equipment, space, and living conditions. I already have all nutes and such.
and another point to consider is that all weed is 40$ a gram throughout most of my state, however i dont distribute but i know people who do distrubute that i could sell it to for $20 a gram easily and they can add their own $20....lots of money for college