Bubbleponics Vs. Soil-WW, Red Shiva, Hydro


Well-Known Member

Hi All!!

Im doing a little experimnet right now... using everything is the same, lighting , temp,humidity, w/e .. its all the same ..BUT im trying to see just how mucjh faster teh plants row in a bubbleponics compared to just soil(top soil, dry pete, wet pete, bone meal, blood meal mixture)...SHud be pretty intersting as they reach round the 2 week era... Ok .. pics...They will be bout 7days old round 9 tonight.

yesterday 1/25/08(PM)

Red Shiva-Bubbler


Today 1/26/08(AM)

Red SHiva-Bubbler


welp there you go for now...and u notice they arent even a full day apart... n e who ill update often !


Well-Known Member

Red Shiva bubber

This is a pic of one of my hydros shes bout a lil over 2 weeks i beleive

ww bubbler

WW soil

some roots yo

My sweet 1000watter

and my super MEAN GUARD KITTY! so dont try to rip me off!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man a lot faster.
Soil is slower.
My new pot idea,that may well not even be new for all i know someone else has already done it and i just dont know about it,will combine both.
Cool experiment though,you can definitely see that aero is faster than soil:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya ... but when ur experiment is all said and done nat i wud like to know it ... a of it haha you got some knowledge that i wud like to obtain lol .. like ur whole FIMM technique is awesome never heard of that b4 ... ever .. but ya man 4 sure u HAVE to tell me your lil experiment when its all over .. or when u want is fine with me (tommorow is good for me lol )


Well-Known Member
As soon as my plants show sex i will take pics and give all info into my thread as i do it in real time.
My pics are no longer dated as every time i take the batteries out of the camera to recharge them it makes me reset the date and time which pisses me off.
I also have to reset the macro settings for my close ups each time which is very annoying as i have many macro features that need to be tweaked to get good close ups.
But this is all going up as i do it:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya i hear ya ... didnt u post in ur thread that u were trying to fighure out if u cud judge them this early .. using the trichomes or sometihng along those lines... or was i just too wasted when i read that? .. that wud be amazing if u cud tell that early


Well-Known Member
Yeah but i have no confidence in that method as some males are very resinous and all though the tric density should be higher for a female i just don't trust it enough so i will wait.
Id be seriously pissed if i planted 2 males in the best positions:evil:


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far. Glad to see some more water rats in here. And a side by side experiment? Should make for a great thread. I'm subscribed


Well-Known Member
yeah im interested..my sprouts ae just behind your so ill be watchin this to kinda compare and contrast..yeah i may go hydro next time..soils good but why do soil if hydro is like 5 times faster???
ps..hook us up wit some pics!!!


Well-Known Member
ww soil

redshiva soil

Hydro Soil(not fmmed)

Hydro bubbler(Fimmed so stunted growth for 3-4 days)

ww bubbler

redshiva bubbler

some more root shots for you hyrdro lovers :-D



Well-Known Member
nice..all of em are lookin good..hope you get lots of pussies (lol)...lots of pussies means lots of weed :weed:..thanks for the pics...


Well-Known Member
lol i got it .. meez tooOOO! lots ! lol .. i start germinating 5more ww seeds and some more hydro seeds yestreday night ...so tommorowo morning they shud be good 2 go :)


Well-Known Member
I have put the details that you were after on the new combo air/soil pots into my journal if you wanted to check it out skunkman.
Looks like you had a few nute probs with those bubbled plants but you can clearly see the extra speed that they grow with in a bubbler compared to soil even with the slight nute burn.
Best of luck with them:blsmoke:


Active Member
the lil tips r kinda turnin colors. my whole leaf is almost a solid yellowish. why r urs like that. any problems???