Bubbles VS The Drip !


Well-Known Member
Me and my partner just set up a drip system with 2 feeders to each 5 gallon pale totaling 30 pales, he is the all about the drip system.. :roll:
and I am a bubble head..... I WANT TO TURN HIM TO THE DARK SIDE :hump::twisted::hump:

Soooo what am i going to do?

Host a competition with these 2 awesome designs of affordability!!
We right now are at the max of our grow limit but soon we will be getting an upgrade in our license.

When we do i will have one of each, side beside ;

clips from the same girl,
same water resvoire,
evenly under the same light,
See who's the winner and who will live in the shadows.

What are your thoughts on this exciting near future race fellow growers? :mrgreen::mrgreen: are you as excited as me?!
Will I win our? Or am I as blind as i believe him to be?
sorry i do like the drip buket system one water pump one air pump one res that can be kept out of grow room so water doesnot get warm and can add easy to the system and when proply ,one or both pumps can go down and not harm your plants because the plants roots are in little water and some still getting air
you can have a bubble system with circulating water also, having the resovoire away from the heat, you just need more water. My theory that its the more dominant system is in the fact that it provides a lot more water in the mature stage when it can drink a 5 gallon pale in 2-3 days