"Bud Appeal" Questions

The Potologist

Active Member
Hello again fellow cultivators. I have a very ....odd....i guess....kinda question. Recently I let a friend of mine come stay with me here on the Vancouver Island. He is fleeing from the great wildfires of Cali. Anyway, he is here, and helping me trim.

So, I usually let my buds dry till the stem breaks or is really close to breaking. Then I loosely put them into mason jars to cure for 2-4 weeks. I know that after 2-4 weeks your buds come together and look real dank hard sticky and not so outdoorsy puffy if you will. I even put my buds in still moist, but not to moist. If they are moist I let my jars air out for a couple hours every day.

However, my buddy, likes to trim his bud, them kinda like squish it or maybe "mold" it into this hard dank nug, then lets it dry. I guess all he really is doing is pre-compressing the bud into a nug before it hangs.

I've never seen nor heard of anyone doing this. However after 7 days his nugs are still completely hard as hell, while my nugs are still kinda puffy at the end of seven days. However, after about a month in mason jars my shit always turns out hard as a rock, dank, sticky, and straight up potent as can be. Most ppl guess that my strains of outdoor cannabis, are some real high grade hydro.

IDk, what do you guys think? What are your techniques for giving outdoor bud, ....bag appeal?
hate when i get no replies also lol,
well iv never heard of that but seems a good idea...
however personally i like fluffy weed mmmmm
harvest next week woooo cant wait
OH yeah! seen this midgrade that waz still a little wet it looked like it waz pulled through som PVC pipe. it looked cool. have not seen it dry yet!!
some people make what they call "logs" they roll it in a piece of paper really tight tape it up and dry it rolled up like that then unroll and cure?? i dont know why but ive seen it done and it is like one giant nug? no problems with me but i stick to dry and cure the norml way lol
Sounds like he's knocking a lot of trichomes off the buds to me and definately reducing bag appeal. I do it just as you described pretty much.
I agree with The Warlord about too much handling regarding the trichomes. Sounds new to me as a technique for shaping the buds. Will try that on some next time...
Im not real impressed with it. I agree with everyone. More crystal on your "fluffy" buds, is going to get you higher, general speaking than buds that have busted trichomes.