bud dryer please help

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
i need to know how to make a bud dryer out of a rubbermaid tub please help thanks guys KEEP ON KEEPIN ON


Well-Known Member
A rubbermaid tub is not the wisest choice. Just run some mini clotheslines and hang your weed upside down from them.

Do you mean like a dehydrator? Just use a cardboard box instead, cut holes in it and make several levels of flat window screening to lay the stuff on if you've already taken it off the stems and can't hang it to dry any longer.

It's not that there's anything wrong with trying to use a rubbermaid container but number one they are plastic and designed not to let air through, so you'd have to chop it all up and two there are just better uses for those tubs in the pot growing world.


Well-Known Member
Oh and there is a DIY subforum under this forum. You'll find plans there already for different dryers if you look.