Bud Growth Slowed?


Active Member
i took a friends advice and changed out my 600 watt hps 3 days ago and stuck in the 1000 watt hps for six plants in 5 gallon buckets when i have been in flower for 22 days. it seems the bud growth has slowed but the plants are growing? any info would be greatly apperciated...thank you


Well-Known Member
It may seem like they have slowed but I doubt you would be able to tell that based on 3 days at three weeks flowering. You get growth spurts and slow downs it's just the plant going through it's life stages. I wouldn't worry about the light as long as your temps are still good.
Good Luck

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Sounds like the stretch has ended. Root and stem growth have stopped. All energy will now be redirected to bud growth and they probably wont get any taller. You'll see slow growth for about three weeks, then they go into a stall for a week or so. Then look out! That's when the magic happens. The last two weeks they will swell and get way fat.
Also sounds like you need to spend some time training and bending. An even canopy is essential to a happy harvest. Maybe elevate some of the smaller ones.
Hope this helps,


Active Member
The bulb isn't a metal halide conversion right? Still an hps? Your plants are probably growing more because of the sudden increase in available energy. You did increase it by a nice 67%. Other than that, the plants (mainly the shorter ones) are also attempting to reach the 'optimal distance' from the light source. I keep my hps about 12-14'' from the top colas. They'll tell you if the light is too close. Also, try putting something underneath the shorter ones, to bring them up to the same height as the others. That way you have a nice even distribution of light/energy over the entire canopy. This will also ensure that they're not all growing at different rates due to the distance from the light. Holla holla!


Well-Known Member
When you replaced the 600 with the 1000 your temps would have sky rocketed, make sure you have temps 75-80 and rh 40-50 or you will continue to get stringy spindly soft buds.


Active Member
Quick point,
Were you using dual spec lamps before? And are you using a dual spec lamp now?
I know that 1000w dual spec lamps are less common than dual spec 600w I only know of one company that is doing them where I live.
I'm sure you know all this, just putting it out there.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
They are gonna have spurts, especially right when you THINK you're ready to harvest!!! Great move on the 1K. I doubled my yield when I switched from 400w to 1K lights. I hear the 600w are more efficient tho... I agonized whether or not to just add more 600's. The 1Ks came out on top. I'm glad I did it.
I also looked at the "combo" dual spectrum bulbs. Unless they've changed them in the past 18 months, the loss of lumens wasn't worth the benefit. To me, at least.


Active Member
all looks good right now. getting a heat wave now but temps are staying no more than 82. 95 outside. i am in my tuff shed outside and it has been tricky with the temps. first grow so i am fine tunning everything. getting the hang of it.