Bud rot on a few nodes,


Active Member
one or two plants had bud rot on one or two nodes. 6 total nuggets.

I simply removed them but over all what is going on?
Will there be more?

I can look all over and there simply nothing more other then the ones I found.

It rained once, but its dry now.

I wont wake up and its taken over will I?


Active Member
What up Jay, Rain def had a part to do with it... Alot of time the rain exposes alread damages plant tissue alot of times from worms or other pests. Just keep removing the Rotting piecies and a little of the area around the rotting.. IF you do this every day or two you should never have worry about waking up to it alll being mush... Def always go and look after the days with major rain's.. And it cant hurt if you do a little anti fungals arounf the rotting areas after you clean them up.

someone else

Active Member
What up Jay, Rain def had a part to do with it... Alot of time the rain exposes alread damages plant tissue alot of times from worms or other pests. Just keep removing the Rotting piecies and a little of the area around the rotting.. IF you do this every day or two you should never have worry about waking up to it alll being mush... Def always go and look after the days with major rain's.. And it cant hurt if you do a little anti fungals arounf the rotting areas after you clean them up.
I agree man, you might have some spotty bud rot here and there after a rain.

Like the guy above me said, just always go out after a rain to check on them and shake rain off, pick off the rot and a little around the rot, and you should be fine.

You've gotta watch out for caterpillars and bud rot this time of the year. Both will overtake the plant if you don't keep watch on it.

Sounds like you'll be fine. When do you plan on harvesting?

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
If you inspected them well and know for sure it was just those 6, you should be good, but will still be exposed to where it could hit you again in no time. Keep a close eye on them at all times. Consider filling a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and lightly spray the areas where it was infected. You do not want to soak with the peroxide, but it will help disinfect any disease/bacteria that could be remaining on the stalk/leaves, if any at all. That would be a good, cheap safety precaution.

I'm a greenhouse grower, and understand your concerns of bud rot, as that's one of the big reasons I chose to do a GH. You could immitate the GH effect with cheap resources if you want to take the extra time, effort, & maybe spend some $ if you feel the end results will result in yielding enough to cover your costs/extra investment AND SOME. If not, don't bother.

What you could do tho, is set out some cheap wood stakes/posts, garden stakes, ... After you have a stable perimeter around your plants, throw some clear plastic, tarp (i like the 4mm or 6mm clear plastic that comes in a roll/box @ home dept) and create a cover, mini greenhouse.

You can even take outdoor extension cords and throw fans, heaters, dehumidifers, whatever you need and as long as you keep it well covered, you can create your own lil controlled enviornment in there if you have all that other stuff.

someone else

Active Member
11 days. Im at abouyt 10 to 20% amber right now and we hope to get some fattening and dankining over the next week.
we get one or two showers then wind and sun.
Do you mean the trichomes are 10-20% amber, or the hairs? If trichomes, I'd say you're right on pace with your plan Jay.

I'm not sure of your setup, but is there any way you could make a simple shelter with a tarp over your plants, or no? I built a simple shelter with a tarp (and using some nearby pine trees), and my plants stayed dry throughout 2 hurricane-like storms we had through our area.

If not, no biggie, just go out there A.S.A.P. after a rain, shake 'em, look them over, and pick off any other rot.

If you only have a week or two left, you're in the home stretch; stay vigilant and shake any rain/morning dew off those ladies. :-)


Well-Known Member
I just gotta say, JayTrinity. you star A LOT of threads. 76 in a couple months. that's insane. why don't you ever try using the search function because most of these questions have been asked a MILLION times before. no disrespect I think your a cool dude and love reading your posts. but man. I've been here 2 years and only started like 6 threads and I post all the time..


Well-Known Member
still though, the search function man. try it out. there is TONS of awesome info buried on this board. you just gotta dig the nuggets up. usually you can find threads that have way better info than what people are gonna post because most people who have been here for a while get kind of sick of always answering the same questions.

anways. go pick that mold off or else it's gonna spread.