On the California coast the evening moisture can cause botrytis, I started seeing it this week. Same in years past. As jbc said, caterpillars only add to the contamination. Spray BT at first sign of white hairs, then regularly. When a plant gets hit with botrytis, the largest buds go first and usually continues until there is not much left. I triage daily which kind of keeps it from getting out of control. You may want to schedule the plant for harvest. I would like to see at least full milky trichromes prior to harvest. Mid sept harvest is a full month too early, but if I wait another two weeks my plant will be down to bare stems! Damn bud rot!
I feel like my plants are on that show 1000 ways to die
And I’m suppose to garden them and feel as tho I have failed my crop. I will combat this attack with everything I got.
Boy Scouts honor code420
Never let thé nugs rot or thou shall face no yield for thine years crop. Stay frosty like a snowman. Boy Scouts honor.
I am in the honor of thine knowledge of sleep being the foundation or health, I shall resume my strategic plan of abolishing thine disease and pest invasion. These frosty dense dank nugs shall be avenged
at dusk.
winter is definitely coming. Never give up and salvage what is deemed salvageable and above all else. Stay vigilant for our darkest days are still yet to come with the increase in nation wide cultivation. Disease Resistance must not take hold, always remeber when it’s quiet, that is when one must ponder the idea of quietness becoming to quiet.
may the forces of Mother Nature be in your favor.
Damn that bud ro-
Shit I forgot what I was talking about. Stay toasted my friends stay toasted.