Bud sites developing during veg...


Well-Known Member
I have an AK47 that I got from clone, I have been veggin for about 6 weeks and it looks like it is farther along in flowering then the AK I got at the same time and is in the flowering room, what gives? is this an auto flower or just some thing normal and these will just turn into new leaf growth?

Thanks for help don't have pics, but I have seen what a flower looks like after about two weeks and this is just like it..


Well-Known Member
are you sure of the strain.
it could be an auto strain.
or it could have gone hermie?.
what light sced you on?.
do you have a timer?.
i have grown that strain before.
and have some seedling ak47 from nivarna, and all i can say they are a white strain and tend to go hermie, if not grown right, timer etc...?.
any pics?.


Well-Known Member
if it came from a clone the odds of it being an auto flowering strain is not very likely. autos are generally considered unclonable.

are you sure it isnt just new growth?

watch them and see what happens


Well-Known Member
yes on timer, 18 hrs on. I got two clones of the AK47 so I am not sure of the genetics or breeder. I will try to get some pics later, my Iphone just really sucks when it comes to detailed pics like this.

I have had some mite issues and one plant is in flower and the other is going to be a mom, problem is that the one in flower was hit hard just before going to 12/12 and has spent the last week of flower in recovery mode so it has fewer of these bud sites than the one in 18/6...LOL I am hoping that these sites will just start to develop new growth instead of larger bud sites, if I was to describe it just looks like it was 1-2 little white hairs before and those would eventually pull back and new growth but now it just seems like there are a dozen of these white hairs that seem to be sticking around.


Well-Known Member
you could be seeing preflowers.

generally, clones come from fully mature plants so they are already mature as soon as they develop roots and the only reason to veg them at all is to make them become large.

also, you did explain why your flowering plants are going slow... stress stops growth till the plant recovers. ;)


Well-Known Member
I have an AK47 that I got from clone, I have been veggin for about 6 weeks and it looks like it is farther along in flowering then the AK I got at the same time and is in the flowering room, what gives? is this an auto flower or just some thing normal and these will just turn into new leaf growth?

Thanks for help don't have pics, but I have seen what a flower looks like after about two weeks and this is just like it..
This is just an unproven theory on my part so feel free to call me a dumb ass.

All cannabis has a common ancestor, therefore all cannabis has the potential to have characteristics common to individual varieties. Any random seed could have varying degrees of: hermie characterisitcs, auto-flower characteristics, as well and indica and sativa.

A plant could show sex for any number of reasons beyond light cycles: Like basil, the number of leaves on the plant can signal flowering in the plant. Or it could be the ever changing angle of the sun in the sky. How else explain how tropical regions produce multiple harvest seasons in the same year?

Again, this is just an unproven theory.


Well-Known Member
wont call you a dumb ass... wont even think it ;)

not a wrong theory... but the minor difference is the auto flowering strains are all rudiralus.... Indica and Sativa do not have this trait without rudiralus being cross bred into them.

and due to the nature of auto flowering strains, cloning is really difficult. i would imagine this is because cloning a plant in flower is difficult and takes longer than pulling a clone from a vegging plant.... and also because the auto plants cant be tricked with lights... i would be the clone of an auto plant would just produce a small bud because the flowering cycle wouldnt stop while the plant was trying to redevelop roots.

soon as i get some auto seeds though i will be putting that particular theory to test though.


Well-Known Member
not a wrong theory... but the minor difference is the auto flowering strains are all rudiralus.... Indica and Sativa do not have this trait without rudiralus being cross bred into them.
Indica, sativa and ruderalis are all cannabis. All share a COMMON ancestor. Thus all cannabis has the potential to share traits, in varying degrees, common to individual varieties.
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Well-Known Member
you could be seeing preflowers.

generally, clones come from fully mature plants so they are already mature as soon as they develop roots and the only reason to veg them at all is to make them become large.

also, you did explain why your flowering plants are going slow... stress stops growth till the plant recovers. ;)
Thanks this seems to be most likely what I am seeing. I have seen this before just usually they turn into new growth a bit faster. Yeah I knew the one in flower would be a little slower due to the mite issues, I am now thinking that I should have switched them. Oh well live an learn.

Thanks for all the replies it helped, I'll let you know how they are doing in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
it is silly because it has become a back and forth thing without any data being offered.

it is silly because i have no desire to do your homework for you. there isnt a single documented case of an autoflowering plant that isnt bred with ruderalis... and there IS documented evidence of the sole reason smokable pot was bred with ruderalis (AKA ditch weed) purely to bring the autoflowering traits in to the plants.

this isnt going to get anywhere and is therefor a waste of time.

i wont feel too bad for my personal laziness because you also wont document your theory.

let me suggest you read what the Joint Doctor has said about his little autoflowering plants and it will help you to understand why i am pretty sure you are wrong on this.

back and forth without data is silly. i have no desire to join you in the silliness ;)


Well-Known Member
it is silly because it has become a back and forth thing without any data being offered.

it is silly because i have no desire to do your homework for you. there isnt a single documented case of an autoflowering plant that isnt bred with ruderalis... and there IS documented evidence of the sole reason smokable pot was bred with ruderalis (AKA ditch weed) purely to bring the autoflowering traits in to the plants.

this isnt going to get anywhere and is therefor a waste of time.

i wont feel too bad for my personal laziness because you also wont document your theory.

let me suggest you read what the Joint Doctor has said about his little autoflowering plants and it will help you to understand why i am pretty sure you are wrong on this.

back and forth without data is silly. i have no desire to join you in the silliness ;)
Never did I ask you to do my homework for me. NEVER. If you could have backed up your statements with sourcing, and your argument might have been more compelling. Instead you resort to insults.

I said mine was an unproven theory.

Personal laziness? That's uncalled for. :fire:
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Well-Known Member
just because a strain of cannabis is bread to exhibit certain qualities doesnt mean it wont pick up new traits due to stress, enviroment or training.....however...todays high grade strains are crossed and interbread so many times that it is unlikely that the strain will exhibit different traits other than the ones the strain was bread for...thats just my thoughts....


Well-Known Member
dude, you cant read and repped me down? man soooooo not cool.

i never insulted you i said i was being lazy.

i should rep you down for your inability to read but instead i think i will just tell anyone who reads this thread this so they know better than to talk with you.

go ahead and rep me down again for being pissed off at your lameness.

here, have a fucking link:

Autoflowering strains... - The Garden's Cure

and here is another:

Joint Doctor - cannabis seeds

now, you have the foundation info... dig on and prove your theory... i bet you cant.