Bud Size


HI can anyone give any advise on what is the best stuff to use to add size to my buds iam using canna boost,for size i have 2 weeks left and they seem to have stopped growin. someone sed hav i used powder but never gave me name of it, any advice would be gratefull thanks biglad,,

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Final phase from advanced nutes. I've also heard blackstrap molasses works well but have been weary to try it with hydro.


Active Member
canna boost is one off the best the buds will swell in the last 2 weeks and the the time line from the seed company is only if u did everything pefect i find it takes atleast 10-14 days longer than advertised from 12/12 switch. the powder your looking for is shooting powder from house and garden but i would not gor that way just be patiet and what the magic happen. i do use a advanced overdrive and budcandy with my canna lineup and humbolt snowstorm and gravity with graet results to boost the pk side of the nutes. my humble 02