Bud spread


New Member
Hi people.
I've got what I call bedspread, buds get stemy and don't want to nugget.
Week 5 of flower , just been feeding tepid water in my coco/perlite mix , about 75/25 , 900 sqare , 1800 high(mm), grow tent. Water for 11/2weeks , I thought and could tell nitrogen too high , they are powering , but I would like to see more nuggety bud , not stemstretch in the bud. .
It's Biscotti fem seed grow , 4 of. Also 2 Brucebanner#3 . All doing it. Moreover the Biscotti. Hmmm


Well-Known Member
give it time, with adequate light most plants will form proper flowers. with the exception of some landrace sativas where the calyxes form like little beads along the stem something tells me that isnt the case here. how many watts is your light i see you didnt mention that how about show us a photo
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Well-Known Member
There's only enough information to make a wild guess. I think you are supposed to feed coco every day, not just water for 1 1/2 weeks. They are probably hungry.


So what you call budspread is i think your wanting shorter denser cola/flowers... Ok so after week 3 Flower, you must get those temps down to as close to 60-65 F as you can to discourage late push. Also make sure you don't have any silica going into the plants at this stage as it will cause more growth pushin em up.

Make sense?


Well-Known Member
More information needed, but the stretch is totally normal. They fill out considerably after that. Timing sounds slow (not enough light?) but a normal part of the process. Buds fill out in the final weeks, and you sound far from that. Btw, totally disagree with getting temps into low 60s as someone suggested above - that will simply slow things down, though not cause any damage. Most of us seek temps well above that.