Bud washing

Hi. I am doing my first grow. Just a quick question. I had a few bugs and sprayed the plants while in flower lightly with Neem oil and Pytherum. I did mainly target leaves carefully but a bit would of hit the flowers also id say. I did this 2 weeks ago now and have approximately 2-3 weeks left till finish so it will be about 4-5 week from time sprayed and harvested.
I have also washed the plants down heavily 4-5 times to help reduce the spider mites and also 1hr after I had initialy sprayed them with neem and Pytherum.

My question is should I bud wash? Or have I ruined the buds by having some spray hit them and throw it all?

Water alone imo isn’t thorough enough and I wouldn’t recommend washing buds on standing growing plants. Good way to invite mold