budget cabinet led grow

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
This is going to be my first led grow and it was built on a budget so its not the best but im hoping it works.

Just a rundown of the cabinet its a sterilite 2 shelf cabinet that measures roughly 35" tall 25" wide and 19" deep.light is an apollo horticulture 180w ufo actual draw is supposed to be 109w.

Medium is harvest superpowered organic potting mix from lowes.nutes are fox farm right now i have the grow big and tiger bloom,plan on ordering big bloom in the next day or so.

Strains:i have a few strains just need to pick a couple to start with.had some problems a few weeks ago with starting the seeds and not killing the sprouts(looks like it was overwatering).the seeds i have are:big bud xxl,belladona,northern lights,loud dream,white widow x big bud,super bud,herijuana jack33,purple pineberry,5th element,island sweet skunk and chocoloco.

Any helpful comments are welcome i should be starting my first seeds very soon.i plan on growing 2 at a time and i want to scrog them.20141207_184124.jpg 20141207_184124.jpg 20141207_184208.jpg

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
I think im going to start with a big bud xxl and either a northern lights,loud dream or a 5th element just cant make my mind up but gonna pop them tonight to get started

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Started 1 big bud xxl and 1 loud dream.once they sprout and get rooted ill fire up the cabinet.right now i have them under a cfl just to start them.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
The loud dream seed turned to mush so now i have to pick another strain to start.beyond pissed because i wanted that loud dream to sprout.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Starting a 5th element seed to go with my big bud.even though im beyond pissed about the loud dream the big bud is through the dirt and opening up.pre popping the 5th element since last night and this morning its cracked and the tap has started out already.as long as it doesnt turn to goo like the other ill be good.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Started a 5th element seed and it sprouted today so now if I can keep the big bud and the 5th element alive then I'll move them into the cabinet once they root and get a little bigger.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Left for work this morning both plants looked good.came home from work and the big bloom has wilted and fell over.somethings gotta give.i have 4 random bag seeds that are growing great but every fem seed I start dies.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Left for work this morning both plants looked good.came home from work and the big bloom has wilted and fell over.somethings gotta give.i have 4 random bag seeds that are growing great but every fem seed I start dies.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Transplanted my 5th element into a larger pot of fox farm ocean forest soil.hopefully this one makes it.i also started a white widow x big bud to go along with the 5th element.ill grab a pic or two tomorrow.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
5th element still looking good and growing.white widow x big bud isn't opening so I'm gonna give it another day or so then start something else.i want to keep both plants close in age but I'm running out of fem seeds.next will either be chocoloco or super bud maybe northern lights

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Popped a chocoloco in a paper towel this afternoon to make sure it would pop before I planted it and came home from work and it's got a tail.so I'll be planting it tomorrow.kinda excited to smoke it.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
20150104_160601.jpg 20150104_160609.jpg 20150104_160628.jpg 20150104_160601.jpg 20150104_160609.jpg 20150104_160628.jpg 20150104_160601.jpg 20150104_160609.jpg Looks like ur the only one, lol but at least someone is listening.so today I planted the chocoloco so hopefully it will come through the
dirt soon.and I took a couple of the 5th element it's doing good steadily growing.
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What day is that for the 5th element? Looks good though.

I think the amount of upkeep and images you put reflect who you see watching, as well as those interested in the strains used. I know for instance I wouldn't be as interested in lets say a white window run compared to something more rare and that I know less of.


part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Yea I know what u mean.its day 11 on the 5th element.i tried to get some strains that I don't see much of but the ones I really wanted to grow died from damping off hopefully the soil switch fixed that problem for good.